MIS Officer (Maternity Cover) 37 hours per week, 52 weeks per year Salary: Support staff salary point 28 - 32 (£29,273 - £32,935) We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our established Management Information Systems (MIS) team. The role is a fixed term post to provide maternity cover. Starting from the end of May for approximately 12 months. The successful candidate will work closely with the MIS Manager and the wider team to support the production and submission of college funding claims, to ensure compliance with Trust policies and procedures relating to funding guidance and ensure the timely and accurate completion and maintenance of the college timetable. Job Responsibilities: • Maintaining “back-office” ILR data fields; ensuring that sufficient validation and error-check reports are in place to catch erroneous raw data caused during input. • To assist the MIS Manager in the completion of monthly DSAT and FRM checking. • To assist the MIS Manager in the maintaining and operating of funding-related software including LARS, FIS and DSATS. • Producing and checking data submissions for external agencies. • To coordinate with the MIS manager, curriculum managers and college senior managers on the production and maintenance of student timetables. • To implement the agreed upon timetable within the college management information system (ProSolution). • To support the exams team in the timetabling of student exams and assessments. • To maintain the quality of student timetables by ensuring their accuracy and completeness. • Book all rooms required for teaching timetabled classes and exams. • To liaise with the estates team to ensure the lettings and ProSolution systems do not clash. • To liaise with the IT and estates team to ensure rooms and resources are accurately recorded within ProSolution. • To create new courses and amend existing courses as directed by the curriculum planning process and relevant course setup forms. • To ensure curriculum setup accurately reflects the current college departmental structure. • Understanding the needs of users, providing a friendly and helpful service, working closely with IT Support to ensure that user queries are dealt with “in the round”, and striving to make MIS activities as transparent as possible to all college staff. • To provide a reliable and timely service of data requests from staff. • To respond to funding queries according to the ESFA funding guidelines. • Maintenance of student accounts and the creation and set up of parent accounts. • Use internal tracking to ensure all students have a signed learning agreement for their programme of study. • Review absence reports weekly to ensure students are in regular attendance and liaise with teachers and curriculum managers when students are consistently non-attending. • To promote the use of change requests to ensure enrolments are accurate. • To complete regular compliance checks of evidence according to the ESFA guidelines and be involved in the preparation of gathering such evidence for internal and external audits. • To respond to Trust initiatives and create adhoc timetables when required. • Assist with enrolment of new students during main enrolment and throughout the year. • Lead on the submission of loan confirmations at set intervals throughout the year based on student attendance. • Maintain student data on the loan portal based on programme changes (withdrawals, transfers, start/end dates and learning aims). • Regularly use internal tracking to highlight unmarked registers and liaise with the relevant teachers/ curriculum managers to ensure compliance. • To be present and assist in the running of open evenings and other Trust events when required. The post holder will be reporting to the MIS Manager. A satisfactory DBS check is required before the commencement of this position. If you are interested in applying for the above position, details about our College, further information and an application form are available on our website. Closing date: 28th March 2025 at 12pm Interviews to be held: 4th April 2025