Clinical and Professional Responsibilities Lead and co-ordinate the clinical pharmacy service to the Emergency Department and other designated acute care areas and develop a highly specialised practice in these areas. This will include: Undertaking medicines reconciliation on admission including the contacting of GP surgeries/specialist clinics where necessary Review of patients medication to ensure safe and effective use, and seek resolution of any medication related issues Prescribing of patients regular medication on admission and other appropriate drug treatments according to clinical pathways within the department Assist in expediting the discharge process by prescribing on the electronic discharge system Initiation of monitoring where deemed necessary Review and update of care plans depending on response, results of investigations and adverse effects Therapeutic drug monitoring for specific drugs Carry out a daily ward round to clinically review individual patients treatment and to determine the most appropriate choice of medication in response to complex series of data relating to their condition, their response to treatment and reduction of avoidable adverse events Ensure that all patients understand how to take their medication prior to discharge, and counsel any patients when necessary, particularly those taking complex drug regimes, those who are anxious or with physical or mental disabilities and those with language difficulties. Supervise the assessment of patients for the use of compliance aids to reduce the risk of medication-related errors particularly where this may have been a contributing factor the hospital admission Provide appropriate verbal or written information to patients or their relatives about their medicines when necessary, particularly where this may influence the success of treatment once the patient has been discharged Liaise with the primary care sector to ensure follow-up of pharmaceutical care in the community for patients needing additional pharmaceutical support, such as compliance aids Liaise with medical and nursing staff to ensure the timely supply of medication to inpatients to minimise missed doses and to facilitate the discharge process by ensuring the timely availability of medication Develop evidence-based treatment protocols within the Acute Care specialty for use within the Directorate or across the Trust where appropriate Work closely with Consultants, Nurses and other multi-disciplinary team members within the Emergency Department and Acute Care areas to ensure the safe and appropriate use of medicines To work with the Clinical Pharmacy Services Manager and other senior members of staff to develop Pharmacy Services to Acute Care areas as appropriate Advise clinicians of all levels to influence treatment decisions that will lead to improvements in patient care. In liaison with the senior technicians for procurement/computer services, provide and interpret monthly drug-use information for emergency care and prioritise areas for action to contain unexplained spending. Liaise with Finance, Clinical Directors and Clinical Service Managers to address any financial concerns Develop evidence-based treatment protocols, guidelines and care pathways within emergency and acute medicine Investigate and respond to incidents and/or complaints attributable to medication within the Emergency Department and Acute Care areas and ensure that any necessary learning outcomes and actions are mandated and enacted Evaluate new drugs within acute and emergency medicine and advise Formulary Pharmacist and Drugs and Therapeutics Committee on such matters Undertake horizon scanning and identification of new drug and service developments, potential savings and cost pressures Advise clinicians on business cases for the managed entry of new medicines or the development of new services and advise on prescribing protocols/guidelines for the use of new medicines/services to ensure clear guidance is available on the approved use at the time of introduction. Undertake any required actions for the delivery of CQUINS, CIPs and other strategic medicines optimisation programmes that impact on the Emergency Department and Acute Care areas. Provide highly specialist pharmaceutical information to medical, nursing staff and patients in acute and emergency medicine and to General Practitioners and other staff within the Trust where appropriate Act as an independent prescriber within acute and emergency medicine or other clinical areas as requested by the Clinical Pharmacy Services Manager. This should be in line with the Trust Policy for Non-Medical Prescribing Teaching and Training Responsibilities Provideclinical training for other Pharmacists, Pre-Registration Pharmacists, Undergraduate Students and Technicians who work within the Accident and Emergency department and acute care areas Responsible for the personal development of Junior Pharmacists and Trainee Pharmacists as appropriate. Undertake individual developmental review sessions for designated Junior Pharmacists. Mentor Junior Pharmacists and Pre-Registration Pharmacists regarding Continuing Professional Development (CPD)/Revalidation. Participate in CPD/Revalidation as per Department Policy and National Guidelines from The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Maintain portfolio of evidence of CPD.