The Team Leader contributes to leading in both day and respite settings and on the implementation of standards within the settings to ensure that a person-centred approach is adopted and embedded throughout the whole team ensuring that a comprehensive effective and safe service is delivered in line with CQC standards. The Team Leader has day to day responsibility for overseeing the running of their assigned day and respite units; The Team Leader also works with families, carers and stakeholders as necessary and with other agencies. The Team Leader has overall responsibility for ensuring staff are trained to a competent level to provide effective care to customers. As a member of the senior staff group, the Team Leader will share in the overall supervisory and management system of the day and respite settings which is geared towards maintaining good staff morale and the promotion of excellent professional practice. The Team Leader will assist with HR procedures where appropriate. Specific duties and responsibilities include: Provide day to day management of work for a group of Support and Senior Support Workers who will be responsible for offering a range of community and centre-based activities. This will includeproactively managing performance, conducting regular supervision and appraisals, ensuring training is up to date and CPD records are kept, and other line management duties as they arise. Support the Registered Manager in the pursuance of excellent practice in line with relevant standards and regulations including the CQC Inspection framework. This will include embedding a positive, customer-focused culture, making effective operational decisions and balancing the needs of customers and the service. Continuously promote safeguarding practices in all aspects of work to protect customers from abuse. Maintain evidence to demonstrate the service is Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led in line with CQC Key Lines Of Enquiry (KLOE) including (but not limited to): recruitment and security check documentation; consent to care; Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty of Liberty Safeguard (DOLs) documentation; person-centered care plans; risk assessments; medication administration and record sheets (MAR sheets); staff training and supervision information. Provide advice and guidance to other team members on complex and challenging matters, demonstrating expertise in knowledge of working with this customer base. Assist with the planning and delivery of staff meetings and staff development programmes. The postholder will be expected to arrange meetings, invite attendees, develop agendas and chair/lead the meetings in the absence of the Registered Manager. Feedback should be sought from attendees on the format and content of future meetings to ensure they remain effective. Staff development needs should be identified and discussions on how to meet them should take place with the Registered Manager. Assist the Registered Manager with the management of budgets (team staffing and operational). To assist the Registered Manager to plan, control and monitor all expenditure, ensuring that all transactions are recorded and accounted for, promoting a culture of value for money. The Registered Manager may ask for budget status and future spending plans for the settings, which the postholder would be expected to provide and be prepared to discuss in a timely manner. The postholder has responsibility for ensuring that the service delivers good value for money, this may involve making difficult decisions which balance the conflicting desires of the customers and the needs of the service. Develop and maintain a service, in consultation with customers, family, carers and stakeholders, promoting a person-centered approach. This will require drawing on previous knowledge and application of taking a person-centred approach to care and embedding this approach in the rest of the team, through meetings, supervision and documentation (e.g. reviewing person-centred care plans with Senior Support Workers). The postholder should be able to advise Senior Support Workers on the person-centred approach, and direct them to suitable guidance / further reading where required. Where reviews are not of the quality expected, the postholder will be expected to challenge and implement improvement plans. Where any supervisee is consistently not performing at the required level, council policies should be followed, such as the Improving work performance policy. Manage complex and contentious issues in a calm and professional manner, ensuring information is shared when appropriate and that feedback on improvements to service delivery with recommendations to improve are made to ensure service delivery is of a high standard. The postholder will be required to make quick decisions sometimes without full information. They will need to draw on their past experience, strong knowledge of operational working practices and legislative guidelines. To develop and monitor operational systems e.g. rotas - Shifts / Lunchtime / bus duty / medication / supervision / team meeting rotas established. Support the Registered Manager to ensure that there are suitably qualified staff on each shift, to meet customer and operational demands. Use data, such as capacity, to make informed decisions regarding staffing levels. To report and respond to requests for information and support from customers, staff, families, carers and other stakeholders in an efficient manner, ensuring technical/medical terms are well explained and that further follow-up is offered. The information to be conveyed may not always be favorably received so the postholder needs to be equipped with strong interpersonal skills, resilience and strong subject knowledge to manage these reactions. The postholder will have contact with a wide variety of customers, their carers and senior managers, including Heads of Service. They must act with professionalism and make justifiable decisions with authority to ensure the needs of customers and the service are met. To participate in the recruitment, induction and development of staff within the area of responsibility, following council procedures. Effective recruitment is vital to the day to day running of the settings which need to have adequate staffing levels so as not to impact service delivery. A new employee should have a thorough induction to the role to acclimatise them with the role and the team, but also expected working practices and culture. Staff development needs will change based on the needs of customers and the service. Development will happen on an ongoing basis through supervision, informal discussions, team meetings and by requesting training based on training needs analysis or newly recommended best practice or legislative changes. Support the Registered Manager with training needs assessment information so that relevant and required training is provided to all staff. This will mean ensuring that the Registered Manager has an up to date picture of the training needs of staff and is provided with suggestions as to how to meet these needs. Where practicable, the postholder should arrange for mandatory training, whether lapsed or required for a new starter, to be undertaken as soon as possible. To support the Registered Manager with health and safety legislation by undertaking H & S audits and risk assessments and mandatory H & S training is completed on an annual basis, and that accurate and thorough records are kept. The postholder should take remedial action where possible, such as booking staff on to necessary training. Escalate any concerns to the Registered Manager. Failure to have sufficiently trained staff could lead to severe consequences such as harm to a customer or reputational damage to the council. Support the Registered Manager in the event of any serious incident or complaint, drawing on knowledge of council policies, best practice and legislative guidelines. A heightened level of responsibility will apply when the Registered Manager is unavailable. Decisions made in these circumstances will have wide repercussions and must be made with sound judgement and authority, following council policy and legislative guidelines. Develop a varied programme of activities that provide a range of service options to meet the needs and aspirations of customers. This will require the postholder to develop an awareness of facilities and opportunities in the settings and local area, as well as drawing on the knowledge and experience of other members of the team. Ensure customers are asked what they would like to do and aim to provide this where possible and practical. By arranging activities in the community, this will help support customers in developing a real community presence and living a fuller life.