The Vision
Serge UK’s philosophy and vision is to develop movements of churches amongst South Asians in and through the UK and in South Asia itself. This is a much-needed focus as 1/3 of the world's unreached people groups are South Asian (about 1.54 billion people).
Serge UK desires:
1. to establish Reformed, grace-centered, mission-minded, and culturally-understandable churches. Serge UK is focused on church planting in areas that have been historically hard to reach or in under-resourced areas that the British church has invited us into.
2. to use London as a base to train and equip people for church planting among unreached people in South Asia (SA).
3. to facilitate and mobilize the sending of additional church planting teams among SA people groups (both in the UK, in SA, and elsewhere in the SA diaspora).
Pastoral Ministry / Discipleship:
A Pastoral Vocational Intern would primarily support the work of direct church planting in one of the Serge South Asian Ministries church plants. The supportive responsibilities would include, but are not limited to:
* Evangelism, both personal and organized
* Participate in outreach that engages the community with the goal of building the local church
* Discipleship of local believers
* Teaching bible studies or other theologically oriented small groups, as appropriate
* Preaching, as appropriate
* Participate in a variety of programs–children and youth, ESOL, music, etc.
* Engage in church administration and strategic planning
* Participate in UK denominational meetings as a learner and observer
* Participate in Serge UK trainings, staff meetings, prayer meetings, conferences, etc.