Applicantionsare invited for the post of the Leicester Foot and Ankle Fellowship, for a period of6-12 months.
The Leicester Foot and Ankle Fellowship is specifically designed for a senior trainee [post-FRCS (orth)] who has planned for a career in Foot and Ankle surgery. The fellowship is a multi-consultant fellowship There will also be opportunity to be involved in trauma surgery.
This post does not attract an NTN and is aimed at speciality registrars who have neared completion of their training and want a fellowship experience in Foot and Ankle surgery
Foot and ankle team at Leicester includesfivefellowship trainedconsultants, an extended scopepractioner,Fa specialist nurse,twoplaster technicians. Successful applicant will have opportunity to work withmost of theFoot and Ankle Consultantsin the team, namely MrAlistair Best, MrManeeshBhatia, ProfessorJitendraMangwani, MissShilpaJhaandMr HythamAffifI.
Thepost holderwill bepart of a team providing afoot & anklesurgical servicetothe Leicestershire and Rutland community. There will also be opportunity to develop skills in elective as well as foot & ankle trauma surgery and diabetic foot care.It is expected that the post holder will be competent in straightforward common procedures involving the foot and ankle and in other basic lower limb surgery. The posts offeradditionaltraining in complexhindfoot,midfootand forefoot reconstruction,including arthroscopicandarthroplastyprocedures around the ankle.
Main duties of the job
Contribute to the provision of a comprehensive,high qualityfoot and ankle service at the Trust
Deliver clinical sessions in out-patients and theatres
Take a lead role in the department's current foot and ankle research portfolio
Assistin the teaching and training of junior surgical colleagues and allied health professionals
The successful candidate will gain experience towards competency in most common foot and ankle conditions including:
Assessment, investigation and diagnosis of all foot and ankle conditions in out-patients
Hallux valgus surgery
Lesser toe surgeries
Fusions (1st MTPJ,midfoot,hindfoot)
Ankle arthroscopy
Ankle ligament reconstruction
Total ankle replacement.
Achilles tendon repair (minimally-invasive).
Achilles tendon debridement / reattachment.
Foot and ankle trauma.
Our new strategy, developed with the support and feedback of colleagues, patients, and partners, is our compass for the next seven years (2023-2030).
We have four primary goals:
· high-quality care for all,
· being a great place to work,
· partnerships for impact, and
· research and education excellence
And we will embed health equality in all we do - taking active steps to reduce the avoidable differences in healthcare that some people face, working in partnership with communities.
Our strategy is underpinned by new values and we will work to ensure they are an everyday reality for all:
· we are compassionate,
· we are proud,
· we are inclusive, and
· we are one team
This is an exciting moment as we look to the future with clarity on what we already do well and where we need to focus our energies to make an even bigger difference for the people we serve.
It is expected that on average there will be two lists per week to receive training in complex surgery as detailed above. Opportunity to attend lists delivered by other foot and ankleconsultants will be available and it is expected that as the post-holder becomes moreexperiencedthey will undertake independent operating through backfill sessions.
It is expected that the post holder will undertake one independent clinic a week and one clinic with the mentoring consultant seeing both new and follow up patients under their supervision.
It will be expected that the post holder willbe responsible fordaily care of patients on the ward, together with aresidentdoctor under their close supervision, and deal with the administration of their practice (lists and clinics), separately from the mentoring consultant.
On average two half days will be provided for audit, research activity and continuing professional development under the guidance of the mentoringconsultants..
Thesuccessful applicant willbe requiredto undertakelimited weekendwork in the department; along with all other Trust Fellows in the department as part of the weekendelective ward round rota(up to 1 in 10).
This advert closes on Monday 24 Mar 2025