You will be required to support the Commanding Officer in the command, management, leadership, and operational capability of the MDAC organisation.
As the Senior Civil Servant within the unit, you will provide advice and guidance, on civilian personnel issues, as required, in relation to training and development, disciplinary and welfare.
You will regularly engage with the heads of functional areas to review current workloads/performance, to prioritise the MDAC operational requirements. You will review outcomes for potential improvements or efficiency practices and achieving best value for money in terms of the use of resources.
You will provide policy-based advice, guidance and briefings to the Commanding Officer and other key personnel on complex issues regarding the delivery, functionality, and operational capability of the unit, using the most appropriate communications format. You will Chair internal meetings, as required, both locally and remotely and represent the MDAC on behalf of CO and conduct engagement with external bodies when necessary.
You will be the Unit Security Officer and dealing with unit security issues.
You will lead on all aspects of security and will be responsible for preparing and implementing policy, to protect both UK and US interests. To include assurance and audit in an enduring capacity.
You will deputise for the Commanding Officer maintaining standards, administration and welfare of all service and civilian personnel working within the MDAC, to ensure efficient delivery of operational capability.
You will have Line Manager responsibility for the civilian department heads and be the countersigning officer for several other civilian positions.