Please see attached Job description and person specification. To provide a clear focus for clinical leadership and to be responsible for ensuringthe provision of a high standard of holistic, patient-centred care To use a range of techniques to ensure, set, and monitor standards of clinical practice, audit, research and teaching to set, monitor, and continually improve standards of care and patient experience. To lead on nursing practice development including the development, and orupdating of clinical guidelines, policy and procedure that relates to the practisesetting. Demonstrate safe, compassionate, consistent, and appropriate practice and expertnursing advice using up to date knowledge, skills, clinical competence, and evidence, to assess, plan, deliver and evaluate care, communicate findings, influence changes, and promote health and best practice. To teach and act as a facilitator, mentor, and supervisor to other staff. To developand participate in the delivery of a clinical supervision structure/reflective practice for team members. To support the development and clinical learning infrastructure providing advice and guidance which ensures that all newly qualified nurses receive preceptorship and that those who mentor and support them are well prepared and regularly updated.