Job Description
Avocet Care & Support Ltd is a charity in Southend on Sea providing Residential care and Sheltered Housing for the elderly. Avocet is a non-profit making Registered Charity which is dedicated to making the lives of its Residents comfortable, safe, dignified and enjoyable whilst at the same time providing companionship and support to alleviate loneliness.
We are currently recruiting for a Registered Manager for our 25 bed residential care home in Westcliff on Sea.
40 hrs on site per week
Must hold Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care or equivalent qualification
Additional Benefits
* Additional leave
* Company pension
* Free parking
* Life insurance
Purpose of Position
To be responsible to the Chief Executive for the day-to-day running of the home.
To be accountable for the home’s operations and activities.
To ensure that the home operates according to its registration status and conditions and complies with all legal requirements.
To manage the home to achieve the best possible outcomes for its residents.
To keep residents safe and well protected at all times.
To develop, promote and maintain high standards of care and best practice.
To develop, implement and maintain the systems and structures needed to run the home in the interests of its residents.
To develop and manage effectively and efficiently the financial, human and material resources needed by the home.
To be an ambassador for the home, promoting and marketing its services.
To contribute to ensuring the home remains financially viable.
To ensure that all staff are informed about and work to the Codes of Practice for social care.
Principal Responsibilities
Day-to-day running of the home
Maintain the day-to-day running of the home on behalf of the registered provider and to meet all legal requirements.
Develop an ethos that reflects residents’ individual needs and that celebrates their individual differences and diversity.
Maintain the systems in place for audit and CQC compliance purposes
Address the care and health needs of each service user creating a person centered plan of care to make sure they are kept safe and well protected.
Provide staffing complement and cover in accordance with the requirements of the registered provider and current social care legislation.
Develop good working relationships within the home.
Provide effective support, supervision and appraisal to the home’s staff.
Maintain the premises to the standards required.
Maintain a safe environment for residents and staff and to respond to all health and safety requirements.
Manage the home’s resources in accordance with the established systems and procedures.
Engage in business planning and marketing of the home.
Establish effective working relationships with other professionals, agencies, CQC inspectors and all the home’s stakeholders.
Continuously monitor and review the home’s activities to make sure high standards are being maintained.
Contribute to creating effective methods for auditing and assuring the quality of the home’s provision and services.
Resident care
Provide all relevant information to current and prospective residents
Make assessment on whether or not the home is able to meet the personal care needs of prospective residents.
Discuss appropriate fees with purchasing authorities or residents or their families as appropriate.
Provide all residents with written terms and conditions of residence and to make sure that they understand them.
Make adequate arrangements for the introduction and reception of new residents.
Investigate complaints, take appropriate action and report to the person-in-control and/or the CQC and other regulatory bodies as appropriate.
Address comprehensively our residents cultural, emotional, nutritional, social, spiritual, physical, health medical, material and other needs by developing and maintaining the appropriate policies, systems, procedures and practices.
Oversee and be responsible for the accurate administration of prescribed medication to residents. Be responsible for the safe storage and security of all medicines and controlled drugs.
Staff managementand development
Take responsibility and the necessary actions on behalf of the registered provider for the recruitment, appointment and deployment of care, catering, domestic and other staff employed by the home.
Implement and comply with all relevant employment legislation.
Plan and manage the required staff complement, cover, levels and rota.
Develop and maintain good communication and working relationships with and between staff and to set up and maintain the necessary vehicles and methods for ensuring this, eg holding regular staff meetings.
Plan, organise and implement effective staff induction, supervision, appraisal and training in accordance with statutory requirements and standards.
Ensure staff files are kept up to date and held securely.
Management of premises
Ensure the maintenance of all heating, lighting and emergency systems and ensure the security of the premises.
Arrange for the home to comply with all fire safety regulations.
Comply with the legislation and regulations concerning environmental health, infection control, building control, planning and health and safety.
Maintain the premises in good working order.
Contribute to the planning of a program of repairs and planned refurbishments for the upkeep of the premises so that they are continuously up to standard.
Financial management
Monitor and control day-to-day expenditure within the limits prescribed by the registered provider.
Set up systems and arrangements whereby residents wherever possible retain responsibility for their own money and finances.
Make the appropriate arrangements for residents who are incapable of handling their own financial affairs.