The New Black Film Collective (TNBFC) is a nationwide network of film producers, educators, and programmers of Black representation on screen. TNBFC offers services ranging from Film PR & Marketing, Consultancy, Event Management, Screenings, Distribution, and Education.
This year we will be our 4th annual convention whereby we showcase Black excellence and encourage increased diversity. TNB XPO 2025 (TX25) takes place between 24 to 27 March at Rich Mix and online on the 28. Volunteers are an important part of our convention. They help us provide a great experience for our audience and participants. If you have a keen interest in the screen industries and increased diversity, we would love to hear from you.
Support can range from hospitality, meeting and greeting guests, signposting, providing support, information, and assistance with specific sessions.
Travel expenses (public transport within London Zones 1-6) will be reimbursed. We will also provide you with food and drinks.
Volunteers will also experience the excitement of the convention, including the films and events we organise. This opportunity is open to everyone; no prior experience is required. If you want to get involved, we want to hear from you! Please email with an expression of interest, contact details, and your availability.
All volunteers must be 18 years old or above for health and safety reasons.
The closing date for this position is 07/02/2025 at 17:00.