To participate in, support and maintain positive interventions and planned activities to improve the quality of life and mental health of the person using service. To work under the direction of a Mental Health Practitioner clinically, but at times without direct supervision. To recognise and work within own boundaries of competence, seeking advice from manager, supervisor and colleagues as required. To maintain confidentiality in respect of the patient / client at all times. To continue to update knowledge of mental health and wellbeing skills relating to the requirements of the post and work carried out with the clients. To support people accessing the services, sharing knowledge and expertise in relation to the interventions offered. To facilitate both educational and therapeutic aspects of recovery with people using the service. To support partners working on site at CROP with clients e.g. Cornwall College, and to ensure that good communication is maintained and all goal plans for clients are compatible. Maintain a person centred approach using recovery principles and encourage each individual to be actively involved in their goal setting. To support and help co-facilitate psychoeducational groups, whilst developing knowledge and skills in this area, and to support clients on an individual basis to help them attain their goals, as agreed within the team. To communicate effectively with people using services taking into account any communication difficulties they may have and responding accordingly. To offer emotional support, advice, information and education where appropriate to people using services, carers and their family including signposting them to other services when appropriate. To communicate any changes in the persons presentation to the team or appropriate professional in a timely manner. To observe and act on both non-verbal and abnormal verbal communication from individuals. Contribute to the assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating interventions for and with the clients. This is to include participation in any case review or reflective practice meetings which will contribute to any decisions needing to be made re: management of the mental health condition, associated difficulties and discharge plan. As directed, to follow up any clients who fail to attend the programme and taking the necessary action to ensure that they re-engage, are appropriately supported elsewhere or discharged with a clear understanding on how to re-engage. To be aware of Health and Safety at Work Act and the implications for the work environment. To know how to report accidents and untoward incidents and to do so promptly. To obtain knowledge of Organisational policies (and where to find them), procedures and practices and carry out duties in accordance with them. To be aware of legal issues and have an understanding of the Mental Health Act and the Mental Capacity Act. To be willing to participate actively in appropriate in-service training programmes which the manager believes to be of benefit to the post holder. To assume co-responsibility for maintaining skills and knowledge levels this applies to both mental health and horticulture. Respond to, record and report any adverse events or incidents relating to an individual, with an appropriate degree of urgency. Maintain effective record keeping systems in accordance with Livewell Southwest policies. Be punctual for work and conduct themselves in a professional manager in accordance with Organisation responsibilities Undertake specific responsibilities designated by the Mental Health Practitioner in charge or from the Horticultural Instructor relating to the CROP site. To support the service in income generation projects such as selling produce, open days and in the delivery of educational opportunities. To support the delivery of the wider MAIS Vocational programme when appropriate, this may take place at various sites. To undertake mandatory and other training as directed by the Organisation or Service Manager/Supervisor. To participate in continuing role / personal development using the appraisal system. To receive line management support and supervision. To contribute to any audit process. Identify and evaluate areas for potential service improvement. To behave in a manner such that it does not bring the Organisation into disrepute. The post holder is required to conform to Livewell Southwest policies on Health, Safety, Fire procedures and confidentiality. To value the skills, strengths and contributions of all members of the team and to treat them in a respectful way. This job description does not provide an exhaustive list of duties and may be reviewed in conjunction with the post holder in light of service needs and developments. Please see attached full job description.