60 hour per fortnight, maximum-term position until 29 August 2025
Applications close Sunday, 16 March 2025
The Case Coordinator will provide specialist and intensive assistance to help people within the care finder target population to understand and access aged care and connect with other relevant supports in the community. This will involve utilising an assertive outreach approach to engage and build rapport with potential clients as well as local intermediaries, stakeholders and networks.
About CatholicCare Victoria
At CatholicCare Victoria, we're committed to empowering individuals, families and communities to reach their full potential and live life to the full. We deliver excellence in a broad range of child, family and youth services, family relationship services, school counselling and pastoral care services, refugee and asylum seeker services, emergency relief, social housing, homelessness services, and advocacy services across dozens of office locations, delivery sites and outreach locations throughout Victoria.
We are the social service agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and the Catholic Dioceses of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst. Our support services are available to all individuals or groups regardless of race, religious beliefs or economic status.
Head office: 4-6 Peel Street Nth, Ballarat, VIC 3350
Tel: (03) 5337 8999