* A Rope Access Supervisor shall have overall responsibility for the rope access work site and the rope access technicians assigned to that work site.
* To the extent that other qualified rope access technicians are assigned a duty or responsibility that is also designated as a duty or responsibility of the Rope Access Supervisor, the Rope Access Supervisor shall retain primary responsibility to ensure and/ or verify that the assigned task is accomplished.
* Where appropriate, the Rope Access Supervisor may also perform duties and responsibilities of the Rope Access Lead Technician and the Rope Access Worker, to the extent that it does not prevent the effective performance of the Rope Access Supervisor's duties and responsibilities required by this section.
* The Rope Access Supervisor shall have the authority to stop the work immediately if it is unsafe to proceed.
Inspector: A Senior Inspector is someone who has the appropriate qualifications, training, skills, experience, and satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the inspections they are authorised to carry out, in accordance with the scope, type and range of inspections delivered by Sparrows Inspection Services. A Senior Inspector is expected to lead inspection activities and supervise a team of less experienced inspectors. All persons conducting work for Sparrows Inspection Services are to be aware that they are free from any commercial, financial, and other pressures which might influence their judgement, impartiality, independence, and integrity and should formally report any undue pressures applied to them during the inspection to Sparrows senior management as detailed on the Inspection Bodies (IBs) Organisation Chart. About this role The Rope Access Supervisor shall:
* Be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation, and oversight of the rope access program at the work site.
* Have sufficient knowledge of current regulations, industry codes of practice, etc. that apply, directly or indirectly, to rope access and working at height, so as to ensure compliance by the rope access technicians being supervised.
* Direct the efforts of other rope access technicians to ensure safety and compliance with the rope access program.
* Actively mentor and develop rope access personnel within the work team ensuring appropriate and accurate onsite competency reviews are completed.
* Communicate and coordinate with clients and their safety representatives, and other contractors on the work site where appropriate, regarding rope access safety and rescue provisions.
* Identify all hazards to which rope access technicians may potentially be exposed on a rope access project, specify the means by which such hazards are to be controlled or eliminated prior to the commencement of work, and ensure that such elimination or control has been accomplished.
* Specify the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by rope access technicians, ensure rope access technicians are properly trained in the use of such PPE in the rope access environment, and ensure rope access technicians use the PPE as required.
* Identify work zones, ensure that these zones are marked appropriately, and verify that adequate measures are taken to keep other personnel and the public out of any affected areas.
* Complete all required planning and documentation, including work permits, job safety analyses, and rescue plans as directed by the Rope Access Technical Authority prior to the commencement of rope access projects.
* Review all procedures prior to the commencement of work and as work site activities change to determine if additional practices, procedures, or training is needed in order to commence or continue work.
* Conduct job site safety meetings with all affected persons regarding applicable work permits, job safety analyses, rescue plans, or any other relevant information prior to commencement of the work.
* Specify the appropriate rope access equipment, systems and system components, and supervise their installation, use, and inspection.
* Verify that the necessary emergency services are available, including emergency medical services and ancillary rescue services (when applicable), and that the means to summon them are functioning.
* The Rope Access Supervisor is responsible for on-site rescue and shall:
* Ensure that a prompt rescue of on-rope persons can be accomplished.
* Manage or perform any rescue that may be required during the work.
* Specify appropriate rescue.
* Perform or manage initial emergency care within the scope of the Rope Access Supervisor's.
* Remove from service and report any rope access equipment or other equipment (such as tools) that are used during rope access work that is damaged or has potentially sustained damage (such as from a significant shock load), until such time that it can be established that such equipment is safe for use.
* Ensure that all equipment on the work site is protected from damage and is maintained in a safe condition throughout the work.
* Document and validate rope access technician rope access hours in the manner prescribed by the Rope Access Technical Authority.
* Perform any other duties designated in the employer's rope access program or identified by the Rope Access Technical Authority. Such duties remain within that Rope Access Supervisor's training, skills, experience and qualifications for conducting safe rope access operations and maintaining a safe rope access work site.
The Inspector:
* Carry out inspection activities within the IBs scope, type, and range of inspections, in accordance with company procedures and statutory requirements (NDT, LOLER and PUWER).
* Work alone and as part of a team in a safe, efficient, and effective manner - safe working practices shall be carried out in accordance with Sparrows documented procedures, HSEQ protocols and client site safety requirements.
* Direct liaison with Client Focal Point (CFP), Inspection Support Engineer (ISE) and Contract Support Engineer (CSE) to communicate all aspects of the inspection scope(s).
* Undertake task-based risk assessments, operate within the confines of client safe systems of work, deliver toolbox talks to the work party, and ensure all members of the team fully understand their roles and responsibilities.
* Operate Sparrows documented procedures and Connect database in a proficient manner.
* Provide constructive feedback on improvements to current processes and procedures.
* Training and mentoring less experienced inspectors and assist with on-site monitoring.
HSEQ Responsibilities
* It is mandatory that the incumbent is familiar with, and follows the Company's Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System and takes an active part in the compliance and improvement of the Management Systems.
* The incumbent must report any accidents, incidents, near misses, actual or potential problems with products, services or systems according to the Management System processes/procedures.
* The incumbent also has legal responsibilities under country-specific health, safety and/or environmental legislation to follow these.
* The incumbent is also responsible for the health and safety arrangements of subordinates (if any) and for any persons visiting them while on the Company premises.
Knowledge of legislation, standards, codes of practice and guidance application to the inspection scopes, types and range delivered by Sparrows
* Knowledge of technology used in the manufacturing of core equipment subject to inspection
* Strong communication skills (written and verbal)
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Good understanding of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Visio etc.)
* Physical capability to undertake inspection activities
* Visual acuity
* Ability to work alone and in teams
* Ability to lead complex inspection activities and lead high-profile scopes
* Ability to deal with difficult clients
* Ability to detect defects within their capability, competence, and authority
* Ability to categorise defects, knowledge of types of defects, defect acceptance criteria, and knowledge of failure modes
* Making decisions within the limits of own competence - acceptability of defects - fitness for purpose
* Maturity to seek advice and technical support, as required
* Ability to deal with first line issues
Mandatory Qualifications:
* Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
* Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CAEBS)
* Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST)
* OGUK Medical
* Bi-Deltoid Shoulder Measurement
* IRATA Rope Access Level 3
* First Aid at Work
NDT Inspector:
* Verified 6-years' experience in a minimum of three NDT Level 2 techniques (SNT or PCN)
Lifting Equipment Examiner:
* Verified 6-years' experience in lifting equipment examination scopes
* Knowledge of LOLER Reg 9 (Thorough Examination and Inspection) & Reg 10 (Reports and Defects)
* LEEA Foundation & Advanced Programmes (desirable)
* NDT Magnetic Particle Inspection Level 2 (SNT or PCN) (desirable)
The Sparrows Group is a specialist lifting and mechanical handling contractor that delivers equipment, technology and integrated engineering services to the global energy industry. Our solutions support our clients to optimise their efficiency by ensuring the performance, reliability and safety of critical equipment and people.
With our headquarters in Aberdeen, we employ over 1,600 people across numerous operational locations across the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.