We are delighted to be working with Restore, an Oxfordshire-based charity that has been offering employment support to people with mental ill-health since 1977. Restore supports people - through recovery groups, coaching and learning - to take control of their own recovery, develop skills, and progress towards their own goals to live more fulfilling lives. It works within the community to increase knowledge, awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental ill health. Restore is also home to the Oxfordshire Recovery College for therapeutic peer learning and is an expert provider of formal mental health training.
Restore are now seeking to appoint a Chair of Trustees to provide leadership and direction to the Board of Trustees as their current Chair will step down later this year after ten years. The Chair will lead the Board of Trustees and work closely with the charity’s CEO and Executive Team to achieve its goals. They will have a strategic role ensuring that the organisation complies with its purpose, charity law and company law and that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document.
The Chair will also ensure that the Board functions properly and that effective decisions are made and implemented. The Chair, alongside the CEO, acts as a spokesperson and advocate for the organisation.
The successful candidate is likely to have Board experience as a Chair or Deputy Chair although you m...