Leeds Teaching Hospitals is one the largest teaching hospital trusts in Europe, with access to leading clinical expertise and medical technology. We care for people from all over the country as well as the 780,000 residents of Leeds itself. The Trust has a budget of £1.1 billion. Our 20,000 staff ensure that every year we see and treat over 1,500,000 people in our 2,000 beds or out-patient settings, comprising 100,000 day cases, 125,000 in-patients, 260,000 A&E visits and 1,050,000 out-patient appointments. We operate from 7 hospitals on 5 sites all linked by the same vision, philosophy and culture to be the best for specialist and integrated care. Our vision is based on The Leeds Way, which is a clear statement of who we are and what we believe, founded on values of working that were put forward by our own staff. Our values are to be: Patient-centred Fair Collaborative Accountable Empowered We believe that by being true to these values, we will consistently achieve and continuously improve our results in relation to our goals, which are to be: 1. The best for patient safety, quality and experience 2. The best place to work 3. A centre of excellence for specialist services, education, research and innovation 4. Hospitals that offer seamless, integrated care 5. Financially sustainable Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is part of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT), a collaborative of the NHS hospital trusts from across West Yorkshire and Harrogate working together to provide the best possible care for our patients. By bringing together the wide range of skills and expertise across West Yorkshire and Harrogate we are working differently, innovating and driving forward change to deliver the highest quality care. By working for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust this is your opportunity to be a part of that change. WYAAT is the acute sector arm of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, one of the largest integrated care systems in the country. The Partnerships ambition is for everyone to have the best possible health and wellbeing, and the work of WYAAT, and each individual trust, supports that ambition. This post is a full time (10 PA) Locum post, fixed term for a period of 6 months. The appointee will work at St Jamess University Teaching Hospital, where there will be inpatient and outpatient responsibilities. There is a commitment to Respiratory Medicine 1:12 on call and Acute Medicine 1:109 on call. The applicant should be committed to teaching and research. 15 whole time equivalent consultant respiratory physicians provide a cross-city inpatient and outpatient service. Current sub-specialty interests among the physicians include lung cancer, pleural disease, interstitial lung disease, difficult asthma, tuberculosis, sleep disordered breathing & non-invasive ventilation, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, PCD, COPD and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency The Leeds TB Service We offer an integrated service including diagnosis and treatment of active Tuberculosis and Latent Tuberculosis Infection, and screening for people who have been in contact with tuberculosis. In addition, we manage patients with pulmonary non tuberculous mycobacterial disease. Respiratory medicine and infectious diseases consultants work together in the clinic. We aim to provide holistic care for patients and their families, with support in the clinic from the specialist TB Health Visitor team, and adult and paediatric services running together so parents, children, and other family members needing contact screening can usually be seen in the same visit. TB drugs are supplied directly within the clinic by a specialist pharmacist. There is a weekly MDT before the clinic to discuss new and complex cases, involving respiratory and infectious disease physicians, paediatrician, microbiologist, pharmacist, and TB nurse specialists. We provide a regional service for Multidrug resistant TB and act as a tertiary referral centre for complex mycobacterial disease. The West Yorkshire TB Clinical Network meets twice yearly for cohort review, discussion of complex cases and issues, and TB related CPD. There is a quarterly Leeds TB group meeting to discuss and plan local TB strategy including representatives from LTHT, Leeds Community Health Care, UKHSA, and the City Council. The Leeds COPD Integrated Service The Leeds Integrated COPD Service is a Consultant led Service in collaboration between Respiratory Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals and the Community Respiratory Team at Leeds Community Health Trust. Our aim is to provide accessible, excellent, COPD specialist care across Leeds including quality assured diagnosis & proactive disease management. The service delivers a wide range of activities including delivering COPD care bundle, maintaining best practice standards in acute management of COPD through participation in the National COPD Audit, COPD, Palliative and emphysema MDTs, Home Oxygen Service, Virtual Respiratory Ward in the Community, Alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency, Home NIV, Pulmonary Rehabilitation & Specialist COPD outpatient Clinics.