Oakes Museum Teaching Docent (Summer) - $8.00/hour
Position Title: Oakes Museum Teaching Docent (Summer) - $8.00/hour
Position Type: Student
Number of Open Positions: 2
Department: Oakes Museum of Natural History (2404)
Campus: Main Campus (Grantham)
Supervisor: Helena Cicero
Work Period: Summer 2025
Hours Per Week: 40
Duration of Appointment: Summer
Work Schedule: Monday – Saturday, Occasional evenings
Position Description
Position Summary: Help facilitate summer camps (Curator Club, CC2, high school); work during museum public hours (Saturdays 10-4:00); lead tours for field trips, and other tasks as assigned.
Experience Required: None
Experience Preferred: Museum volunteering, experience in education (informal or formal)
Skills, Characteristics Required for Position:
1. Effervescent, engaging personality
2. Flexible with work hours
3. Ability to learn a lot of material
4. Creative and able to think outside the box
Dress Code Requirements: Oakes Museum shirt (supplied), khaki/dress pants, nice shoes for public tours, approved shorts. When in the office, it is fine to wear clothes that would be worn to class.
Special Working Conditions: 20-40 hours/week during the summer, including weekend work.
Background Check Required: Yes
Primary Duties:
1. Help facilitate summer camps (CC, CC2 and high school)
2. Be a docent on Saturdays for museum open hours and lead tours for the museum as scheduled.
3. Help with a variety of museum tasks
4. Promptness for work assignments and maintain consistent and reliable attendance