For further information on this role, please see the attached detailed Job Description and Person Specification. To collate and input energy and utility meter readings data onto computer databases e.g. liaising with trade operatives who take meter readings and analysing demand profiles and identifying most economic /beneficial tariff with support from Energy Manager. With the assistance of the Energy Manager establish an energy monitoring and targeting system. e.g. identifying cost centres and plant /services to be monitored and identifying these on plans as necessary. Manage small projects and life cycle /backlog maintenance works and assist in the management of capital projects, Trust Minor New Works and Estates New Works Requests from inception to final account such as refurbishment of office and operational accommodation to current standards /regulations or managing the replacement of a building water tank and associated pipework Will provide a monthly energy usage report to the Energy Manager showing variances from target. With the assistance of the Energy Manager undertake analysis of boiler efficiency each month.