The Directorate is responsible for the commissioning of Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Children and Young Peoples and Maternity Services. In this context commissioning includes; scoping priorities, needs assessment, service review, market analysis, service design, pathway implementation and specification of services. The Directorate has a particular role in joint commissioning with the Local Authority and working across statutory and non statutory agencies. Commissioning roles include responsibility for elements of strategic commissioning as well as commissioning packages of care to meet the needs of an individual. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is a key part of commissioning and this job role is to lead the programme of work to ensure that across the 0-25 age range, SEND is a high priority in the ICB, and that the workforce understand their role in relation to SEND, processes are developed and followed, and appropriate service provision is provided. Work closely with staff from other agencies to deliver transformational change, recognising that lasting and sustainable change requires a whole systems approach. Interpret and implement national policy directives. Ensure statutory responsibilities are delivered in the designated areas of responsibility. The post holder is responsible for elements of the Directorate commissioning budget that relate to the needs of the population for which the Programme serves. The post holder is responsible for coordinating and implementing the national and agreed local policies relating to health services across the range of service commissioned from the Directorate budget and for leading change across the systems as a whole.