Training & Compliance Supervisor - Wealth Management
General Contributions and Outputs
1. Work closely with the Head of Compliance supporting all business areas across the group.
2. Provide compliance guidance and training to relevant employees of the business.
3. Draft and update training & compliance policies & procedures.
4. Challenge business decisions and processes to ensure compliance with FCA regulations while balancing commercial needs.
5. Conduct regular internal reviews or audits to ensure compliance procedures are followed.
6. Provide detailed management information for reporting purposes.
7. Collate information for monthly meetings including file reviews, breaches, complaints and provide feedback where necessary.
8. Ensure any trading names are changed through the FCA.
9. Assist with sign off / implementation of internal policies, procedures and guidance.
10. Support with projects as directed by the Head of Compliance.
11. Provide professional insight and suggestions for process and performance efficiencies.
12. Provide generalist compliance advice and support with mentoring and training of team members.
13. Comply at all times with the Compliance and Training and Competence procedures of the firm.
Training & Compliance Monitoring
1. Ensure that everyone connected to the firm's regulated business has the skills, knowledge, and expertise to carry out their role appropriately.
2. Develop clearly defined criteria and procedures for assessing competency.
3. Measure and report meaningful KPI's reflecting the needs of the business.
4. Maintain appropriate records to evidence compliance with FCA's Training and Competency requirements.
5. Ensure that MI generated from activities is considered and risks identified are dealt with.
6. Oversee regular auditing to ensure compliance with FCA regulations.
7. Interpret regulatory requirements and implement compliant solutions.
8. Keep up to date with regulatory developments and maintain CPD records.
9. Provide advice on T&C aspects including file reviews and implementation.
10. Ensure annual Fit & Proper assessments and code of conduct training records are robust and up to date.
11. Oversee delivery of regulatory training to all team members.
12. Ensure annual KPI data and management information for Consumer Duty reporting.
13. Ongoing development of a clear and comprehensive T&C scheme.
Recruitment & Approved Persons
1. Ensure recruitment/human resources policies meet regulatory requirements.
2. Work with HR/Operations to ensure adherence to recruitment and onboarding processes.
3. Obtain all relevant information before submitting to the FCA.
4. Submit applications for controlled functions within the business.
5. Complete Form C's for individual functions no longer required.
6. Ensure individuals performing Senior Management Functions receive regulatory approval.
7. Review fitness and propriety of individuals performing certified functions annually.
8. Review firm's reporting lines to ensure personnel changes are communicated.
9. Provide copies of the Regulator's Code of Practice/Code of Conduct to relevant individuals.
1. Ensure all staff are aware of the firm's complaints handling procedures.
2. Review complaints against the firm and deal with them per Regulator's rules.
3. Liaise with clients to understand complaints better.
4. Maintain complaint registers.
5. Conduct detailed investigations of complaints and refer findings to the Head of Compliance.
6. Liaise with 3rd parties such as PI Insurer and the Financial Ombudsman.
7. Issue final letters to clients after investigation.
8. Maintain accurate records of all correspondence regarding complaints.
9. Liaise with relevant staff to resolve complaints.
10. Make appropriate offers to complainants and issue final letters.
Systems and Controls
1. Review delegated activities to ensure they meet the firm's needs.