1.1 Service Design and Improvement To support the implementation of Service developments including the implementation and monitoring of the assigned care pathway quality and improvement plans. The post-holder, in conjunction with relevant others, will ensure that clinical effectiveness systems are embedded and sustainable (based on audit and evidence based care) Fully participate in quality assurance initiatives and advances. Demonstrate the ability to engage with different stakeholders including medical staffing in developing the service 1.2 Service Delivery and Resource Management Ensure that governance and assurance systems are in place for care pathways/clinical teams The post holder will provide expert professional advice with regard to issues that may adversely affect clinical care including staffing and resource issues. The post holder will offer advice regarding team performance in relation to incidents and complaints Ensure that services are delivered by practitioners with the appropriate knowledge, skills and competencies, identifying training needs and providing opportunities for development. In conjunction with the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Manager, ensure that care is provided within the service resource.. 1.3 Practice Quality and Workforce Development Take the lead, in consultation with the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Manager, in being responsible for the coordination of multi-disciplinary team working and engagement in service delivery in line with practice standards Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the service through the implementation of effective risk management, governance and assurance systems Support the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Management Team in the development of the workforce. The post-holder will act as a role model in providing a service for people with learning disabilities for all staff within the CLDT and other stakeholders. The post-holder will help monitor and improve quality through the following: - Team compliance to national guidelines including NICE guidelines through audit and other means - Developing care pathways which improve clinical care 1.4 Line Management/Clinical Supervision Responsibility The post-holder will work with the Team Manager to deliver effective caseload and line management supervision to the team The post-holder will ensure that the team access Practice supervision and Continuous Professional Development The post-holder will provide appropriate cross-cover as required for other Band 7 Leads within the service and for the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Manager 1.1 Personal Professional Duties Role model clinical leadership Practice in a way that actively minimises dependency and promotes recovery. Communicate information in a way that makes it relevant and understandable for service users and carers, working to the principles of the functions policy implementation guidelines and practice in line with the standards and values set out in them. Ensure a duty of care to service users who are entitled to receive safe and competent care. The service users wishes, feelings, values and beliefs should be taken into consideration as well as the views of the people close to them. Take personal accountability for your own practice. This means that you are answerable for your actions and omissions, regardless of advice or directions from another professional. Ensure that you remain professionally competent by participating in your own and others clinical supervision. Demonstrate specialist knowledge and skills, not only relating to the care of mental health patients, but also in depth knowledge of the roles and functions of other professionals across the services. This may be enhanced by a relevant qualification at an appropriate level. 1.2 Communication and Relationship Skills The Practice Leads along with the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Manager will provide high quality mental health services to eligible patients through a multi-disciplinary team of registered professionals and medical staffing in conjunction with the VCSE. The post holder will ensure that services are provided within National, Local and practice guidelines so that: Quality of life for the people most in need is maintained and improved. All services are provided effectively and efficiently within current national direction and relevant legislation, to include the protection of vulnerable Adults and Children. Detailed confident verbal information sharing, within the Team or the wider multi-disciplinary Team, which includes Primary Care. Detailed confident verbal information sharing on behalf of the Organisation to and from Police and other agencies where appropriate with regard to matters of risk, mental ill health, risk, and as when appropriate. Ability to appropriately communicate information whilst negotiating positive changes or new service developments. Confident in managing conflict between individuals when required. Ability to negotiate a positive outcome from complaint investigations. The ability to receive information, analyse and formulating professional judgements. Attend and represent the teams view in meetings, e.g. Child Protection, Adult Protection, Mental Health Review Tribunals, CPA reviews. Attend and participate in various forums/steering groups within Adult Mental Health and the wider health community Elicit information from the patient and work with them to advocate on their behalf. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively over the telephone within the boundaries of confidentiality. Maintain accurate, timely paper and electronic records. Ensure they are kept safely in accordance with Organisation policies, including the Data Protection Act and the Organisation Confidentiality Policy. The post holder must demonstrate a positive attitude to mental health attending to patients with respect and courtesy. The post holder will ensure that professional boundaries are always adhered to Directly responsible for the collaboration and the planning of individual care with patient, carer, negotiation with other teams and services to provide a seamless service to users and carers. Must be confident in communicating with people who are experiencing mental health difficulties when English is not their first language using Organisation approved interpreters/services. To attend and participate in the monthly Locality business and performance meetings. 1.1 Knowledge, Training and Experience The post holder will be responsible for updating their own practice, knowledge and skills within their sphere of practice including Organisation mandatory training. Expert knowledge of working within a Mental Health team, and/or other relevant experience that is directly transferable to a CLDT. Knowledge of Policy and Legislation. Knowledge of Mental Health and Mental Health Service delivery. Knowledge of the current drivers in the CLDT e.g. current service redesign, Primary Care Mental Health Team and First Response service Adhere to Policy and Legislation relating to Mental Health, e.g. Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Capacity Act, Equal Opportunity Law, Disability Discrimination Act, Human Rights Act, Care Programme Approach and Clinical Governance. 1.1 Analytical and Judgement Skills The post holder will provide mental health care and other interventions in the setting most appropriate to meet the patients needs. Ability to match patient need with available skills and resources. Emergency judgements and clinical decision making as team lead. Supervision, advice, guidance to others about complex individuals/situations. To receive information and balance risk to patient and organisation, formulating plans accordingly and communication to the wider health community. Investigating complaints and reviewing untoward incidents and serious incidents, producing chronology of events, time lines, gaining witness statements, producing report, recommendations and action plans for improvements. Support the Senior Clinical Lead & Operational Manager in the organisation of the rotas, ensuring that appropriate skill mix is available and is the most cost effective use of the resources available. 12 Clinical Responsibilities The post holder is accountable for the direct patient care provided by the CLDT at all times.. Where necessary the post holder will take a lead in assessments. Work as part of the team in a clinical capacity where appropriate Take a lead role in supporting the team in the identification of risk and the formulation of risk management plans. Take a lead role in clinical decision-making, including maintaining the safety of patients, staff and the public in challenging, potentially violent situations ensuring that communication of decisions is circulated to other agencies and action plans followed. Always ensuring the Senior Managers and Directors are briefed as and when required. Ensure that the team plan aftercare, making appropriate agreed referrals for longer term treatment. Provide education to patients and Carers to enhance their knowledge, therefore, improving longer term concordance. Provide education to patients and Carers in line with current policy and good practice guidelines. Promote RECOVERY within the service and the services that interface with it. Please see supporting information for full Job Description and Person Specification.