Tha sinn a’ sireadh tidsear a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil an Iar. A’ leantainn an Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais, nì thu am planadh agus an lìbhrigeadh de leasanan; cleachdaidh tu measgachadh de dhòighean-obrach agus goireasan, agus bidh thu a’ measadh, a’ clàradh agus ag aithris air obair nan sgoilearan.
A bharrachd air seo, bidh thu a’ beachdachadh air plana leasachaidh na sgoile agus a’ brosnachadh agus a’ cumail deagh mhodh eadar na sgoilearan.
Faodar iarraidh air an tagraiche soirbheachail ìre sam bith bho C1 – C5 a theagasg agus dleastanasan eile a ghabhail.
We are seeking to recruit a fluent Gaelic speaking teacher at West Primary School. Following the Curriculum for Excellence, the successful applicant will plan and deliver lessons, use a range of methodologies and resources, and assess, record and report on children’s learning.
Furthermore, they will contribute to the school improvement plan and encourage and maintain the good behaviour of pupils.
The successful candidate could be asked to teach any stage from P1-P5 and may be asked to undertake other duties.
To apply for this post you must also submit a report from your current Head Teacher. You can download a copy of the Report in the attachments below. Please note that once you have received your completed report from your Head Teacher, you must return it by email to
If successful, you will be required to undertake a Disclosure Scotland check, the level of check will be determined by the duties of the post. If you would like further information in relation to the Disclosure Scotland checks, please visit
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Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .