The responsibilities of the role are split between Key and Core Clinical Functions with a selection listed below. Please find full list of responsibilities within the attached Job Description. Key responsibilities of the role: Responsible for the clinical leadership of a team of nurses in an Acute setting Responsible for the assessment implementation and evaluation of care plans for individual service users To assist the Ward Manager in setting and maintaining high standards of care and evaluating quality outcomes Participate in a range of assessments provided during a 24 hour period To take charge of the unit in the absence of the person with continuing responsibility, To teach and supervise the team, including qualified, non-qualified and learners Maintain good standards of communication, both oral and written, in accordance with NMC guideline Core Clinical Functions Assist the Team Manager in the day to day operation of the clinical area, and the development of the team. Contribute to the development of the service by participating in forums/ steering groups/ meetings as required. Work collaboratively as a Key Worker within the multidisciplinary team, acting as a role model for good practice; this includes liaising with associated professionals and other agencies, and offering support and guidance to clinical team as necessary. Ensure effective communication with clients, carers, visitors and staff. Make effective use of evidence based practice in day to day clinical practice. Implement and ensure effective use of the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act where necessary. Represent nursing team and provide reports for Managers Hearings and Mental Health Act Tribunals. Ensure safe standards apply to the administration of medication. Ensure adherence to Trust policies and procedures at all times. Assist with the development and/or revision of policies and procedures as necessary. Undertake other link roles for specified areas as required, including Infection Control, Health and Safety, PALS liaison and Student Placements. Take a lead and support colleagues in interventions relating to the management of violence and aggression, including de-escalation techniques and the use of physical intervention (DC&R techniques) as necessary. Ability to work flexibly over a 24 hour period in order to meet the operational requirements of the unit. Maintain effective relationships with service users, their relatives, friends and other carers. Maintain effective relationships with members of the Trust and other statutory and voluntary organisations For more detail on this jobs role please see attached Job Description or contact our team.