37 hours (some out of hours & on call work will be required, you will be required to participate in a 24 hours on call rota)
Job Purpose: To assist the refuge manager in the day-to-day running of the refuge, developing and delivering a front line service offering support, advice and guidance to women and their children living in the refuge.
*BSWA provides safe secure accommodation to some of the most vulnerable women and children therefore in order to ensure we provide maximum support and safety it is essential that our service is available to them 24/7. We do this through operating an on-site rota that covers weekends, evenings and bank holidays as well as a 24 hour call out system.
Responsible To: The Refuge Manager
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To work within BSWA’s administrative and financial systems.
2. To ensure that adequate records are kept for all service users.
3. To keep accurate records of financial transactions in line with BSWA’s procedures.
4. To ensure that Health and Safety records are kept up to date.
5. To monitor and evaluate the refuge service via various methods including feedback from service users and by producing statistical information.
6. To keep inventories of all refuge contents.
7. To contribute where appropriate to the preparation of returns for funders.
Support Work:
1. To produce and regularly review Individual Support Plans (ISP) for each service user, in conjunction with the service user.
2. To recognise women and children’s individual needs and refer to specialist agencies where necessary as part of their ISP.
3. To identify the needs of women and children leaving BSWA refuge after being offered permanent accommodation.
4. To identify and make links with existing projects and community services and to develop joint services where appropriate.
5. To ensure the primary needs of residents are met. This includes medical, financial, housing, legal and education rights.
6. To organise activities and celebrations in the refuge for women and children which raise self-esteem, bring people together and broaden awareness.
7. To assist women in making claims for any welfare benefits that they may be entitled to.
8. To ensure that appropriate applications are made for re-housing.
9. To accompany women as appropriate and agreed by your line manager, to case conferences and meetings that may affect their own and/or their children’s welfare.
10. To make representations, as appropriate and agreed by your line manager, to external bodies in support of women and children.
11. To keep the refuge ‘welcome pack’ up-to-date.
12. Devise and implement appropriate methods of communication with women and children living in refuge, in agreement with your line manager.
1. To ensure that all staff team members are aware of any matters that are relevant to the welfare and security of the refuge, staff, volunteers and service users by:
1. Maintaining BSWA communication records
2. Following safety procedures
3. Carrying out risk assessments in conjunction with your line manager
4. Attending team and project meetings
2. To attend in-house training.
3. To attend support and supervision sessions with your line manager.
4. To participate in multi-agency work and to develop a professional working relationship with external agencies.
5. To contribute towards your project’s quarterly Management Committee report.
6. To be involved in the Annual Review process.
Premises and Equipment:
1. To take referrals and welcome women and children into the refuge.
2. To ensure that the appropriate agreements related to tenancies are completed.
3. To ensure that the appropriate agreements related to support are completed.
4. To ensure that the refuge revenue is collected by completing housing benefit forms and all personal contributions are collected on a weekly basis, in advance.
5. To report to your line manager any difficulties in relation to the collection of rent and other charges.
6. To ensure that any house rules are read and understood by new tenants and that all residents comply with them.
1. To identify and attend training relevant to the post in agreement with your line manager.
2. To work alongside colleagues to organise in-house training and information sessions on a range of issues for service users.
3. To raise awareness of the impact of domestic violence on women and children and of the BSWA services.
1. To maintain the confidentiality of the women, young people and children using the service and in all matters relating to the organisation.
2. To offer an equal service to all women and children regardless of age, class, culture, language, race, religion and sexual orientation, adhering to BSWA’s framework for equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice.
3. To maintain an awareness of the issues surrounding domestic violence on a national and local level with a particular reference to those of relevance to refuge work.
4. To adhere to Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures, and Adult Safeguarding procedures throughout.
5. To ensure the efficient use of resources at all times.
6. To support volunteers in the delivery of BSWA services.
7. To work within BSWA policies and procedures and demonstrate a commitment to the values and ethos of BSWA.
8. To participate in the development and annual appraisal of a personal individual development plan with the line manager.
9. To participate in 24 hour on call cover and provide emergency cover.
10. To undertake any other duties required by BSWA, which may arise incidentally, develop, or be assigned commensurate with the post.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications for the above vacancies is Wednesday 24th August at 12 noon. Interviews will take place week commencing 5th September.
If you are interested please download a recruitment pack from www.bswaid.org and return completed forms to: Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid, Central Administration, Ryland House, 44-48 Bristol Street, Birmingham, B5 7AA or email to recruitment@bswaid.org. Large print documents are available on request.