To work as a Learning Disability nurse to support Service users with a Learning disability in the community, who have a forensic history and active risk profile, or whose risks indicate a high likelihood of offending without specialist management. To work in close collaboration with the in-patient services to monitor the service users progress and participate pro-actively in discharge planning to less restrictive settings. This will include providing seamless support for the service users by offering direct work with the individuals and advising and supporting the ward-based staff to ensure there is a clear pathway for a safe and timely discharge transition from inpatient services to the community. To function as a lead health professional and manage a caseload of people with Learning Disabilities and associated mental health needs, as allocated, taking responsibility for the formulation of detailed, individualised, and person-centred assessments in partnership with individuals and families/carers and facilitate the formulation of robust risk management strategies. To practise evidence-based offence specific nursing interventions and treatment for offenders with learning disabilities within their caseload. To provide high quality, comprehensive specialist risk assessments that rely on Structured professional judgment (HCR-20v and ARMIDILO S) which includes assessment and formulation and sets out appropriate risk management options and recommendations. Offer training to upskill local providers and community teams so they are better able to meet the needs of the service users they are supporting. Increase the capacity and capability of community providers, families, and others, including the understanding of the criminal justice systems, to work effectively with people with a forensic history or forensic like behaviour, by providing specialist forensic advice, guidance, and consultation regarding the risks of people with a learning disability and challenging behaviour /complex needs to provide positive practices and interventions to the service users.To identify, as part of the review process, the need for further assessment, and complete this in partnership with the person and their network. To develop links and work in collaboration with other mainstream services which can support the various needs that the individual may present with. To maintain and promote practice within the Mental Health Act (1983), amended 2007, Mental Capacity Act, 2005 and Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults frameworks. To work with the clinical team and Team Managers to provide and ensure high standards of clinical practice and to seek continuous improvement through Practice Governance a culture of audit and learning. To participate in the induction, training and education of students and other staff as appropriate.