The role of the deputyship officer is to exercise and administer the Order for property and financial affairs as issued by the Court of Protection in relation to clients of Wiltshire Council The deputyship officer is authorised to make all decisions relating to the property and affairs of the client on their behalf as they have been deemed mentally incapable of making these decisions for themselves. The postholder will be wholly responsible for their client caseload throughout the period in which the client is support by the Court of Protection. The Deputyship officer exercises and administers the authorisation of the court order with full consultation to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, The deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (in force April 2009) and the Mental Health Act 2007 to support them in making decisions on behalf of vulnerable clients to manage all aspects relating to their financial affairs within the legal framework of the Financial Services Authority. They are governed by the Office of the Public Guardian, ensuring that the OPG standards are met. The post holder has full responsibility of managing its client bases financial affairs on a day to day basis, ensuring they always act in their best interests. Making all decisions on behalf of the client with regards to how their income and expenditure is managed ensuring the safety, security and best interest of the client is met. Assessing a clients financial position requires detailed investigation and reconciliation of their financial status. This is then evaluated and interpreted to give a status on their financial affairs which forms the basis of the service then provided by the deputyship officer and the extent of their own involvement in this management. The role is multifaceted and requires constant liaison and cross agency meetings with other service providers and agencies to meet all the clients needs i.e. Social Workers, Advocates, Benefits Agency, Adult placement units, Solicitors etc. Specific duties and responsibilities include: Manage a caseload of deputyship cases and appointeeship cases that are complex i.e. those that involve high levels of debt. Work closely with other relevant parties such as health professional, family members, advocates, friends etc and evaluate all options before reaching a decision. Due to the nature of our client base many of our clients have a tendency towards unpredictable behaviour which can be aggressive, emotional and abusive. This can occur during face to face meetings or over the telephone. The role will also be communicating with close relatives during the mourning period regarding the sensitive and emotive subject of the deceaseds finances. Collate and prepare the information required for all applications to the Court of Protection and provide annual financial statements to the Office of Public Guardian on behalf of the Registered Deputy of Wiltshire Council for clients with a mental health disability or for those who are deemed incapacitated to manage their own financial affairs by a Medical certificate. Meeting with care-coordinators, members of the family, friends, advocates etc to obtain sufficient information to establish the nature and extent of the service users total financial resources (including any income from State or occupational pensions, investments, trusts, and capital such as bank and building society accounts, shares, land or property, etc.) Investigate the financial history of the patient, establishing, where possible, a pattern of behaviour to establish guidance on the management of their financial affairs in the future. Responsible for identifying any safeguarding or legal issues e.g. evaluate any recent spending to ensure that the client was not financially abused in the lead up to their diagnosis and if such evidence is found to refer as appropriate. Consult with and represent the Council in all interactions necessary with statutory bodies both internal and external to ensure that the best interests of the client is maintained i.e. Office of the Public Guardian, Care Co-ordinators, Department for Work and Pensions, Local Authorities, Wiltshire Finance Team, Social Care staff, Legal Bodies, Financial Institutions, Police, Court of Protection. Manage a clients property and capital in their best interest and in adherence to the Code of Practice. To sell, rent out, vacate a property belonging to the client on their behalf under the jurisdiction of the Extended First General Order. Instruct and consult with property agents, auctioneers and solicitors in carrying out this role. To accept or decline offers in relation to the sale of property. To negotiate terms of sale on behalf of the client. To terminate and negotiate new tenancy agreements on behalf of a client. Visit all clients with Care Manager at the inception of all new cases to determine how the clients and departments requirements will be best managed and to attend further review meetings. To visit all Deputyship clients annually or whenever directed by the Court of Protection. Ensure all the clients financial legal obligations are met and maintained at all times such as tax and income return. Consult with appropriate professionals on all relevant client matters where specialist professional guidance, interpretation or action is required such as solicitors, investments advice etc. Maintain contact with the Department for Work and Pensions, demonstrating knowledge of current benefits and the procedures relating to Corporate Appointeeship cases.