Medical Examiners are appropriately trained senior doctors who verify clinical information on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), ensure appropriate referrals to the coroner, and improve accuracy and consistency of the MCCD. They are also a source of advice for affiliated professionals and services. Medical Examiners are responsible for independent scrutiny of the documentation and circumstances leading to a patients death and advise clinical teams. In addition, the Medical Examiners Service provides bereaved families with an explanation and opportunity to ask questions and discuss the MCCD. Medical Examiners identify and escalate any concerns they may have about an individual case, but also any concerns raised by clinical staff or the bereaved. The Medical Examiner Service works closely with Learning from Deaths workstreams and other existing Trust clinical governance systems and aims to independently identify themes arising from cases reviewed. Externally they will be in regular contact with coroners officers, registrars, and other key stakeholders. Medical Examiners are employed by the acute Trust but have a separate line of accountability to the National Medical Examiner Service via the Regional Medical Examiner teams, who provide support and training to all local Medical Examiner teams.