Progression Coach, Term Time Only, 37 hours per week, Permanent
To work with students at the point of recruitment and for the duration of their time at College. Working closely with key curriculum areas to equip a case load of students with the skills and attributes required to allow them to successfully achieve their full potential and be ready for their progression. You will report to the Curriculum Manager for your specific area but with links to the Student Liaison Manager.
Principle Accountabilities
1. To aid all students to reflect on their skills and experience, inside and outside the curriculum and encourage them to develop new skills and abilities.
2. To help students with time management, for instance where they may have to balance the needs of being a mother or father with the needs of being a student.
3. Setting and reviewing each student’s individual learning plan and set stretching targets and action plans to achieve their goals.
4. To provide study skills support and advice and provide materials and resources which will develop student skills and approaches to learning and to actively and explicitly promote the following dispositions: Positivity, Activity, Inquisitiveness, Critical Thinking and Persistence.
5. To identify support needs, either learning or pastoral, especially where these are affecting the student’s ability to complete their studies successfully and make referrals as appropriate and maintain effective liaison with appropriate college staff to ensure support meets students’ needs.
6. To attend meetings with parents/guardians and where appropriate other outside agencies/providers.
7. To take an active part in the organisation of disciplinary procedures, to conduct meetings in line with the discipline procedure and to design and implement action plans collaboratively with individual students, curriculum areas and parents/guardians where appropriate.
8. Work closely with curriculum areas by focusing on their development areas such as to maintain, develop or manage success, retention and achievement of all students.
9. Promote excellent attendance, punctuality and conduct amongst all students ensuring that this is monitored effectively to promote progress and ensure that all students (and their employers/guardians where appropriate) are aware of their progress. Effectively record attendance, punctuality and progress on ILP.
10. Reinforce induction provided by curriculum department (see induction check list).
11. Assess personal support needs at course commencement and make referrals as required to specialist support services within college, if this has not already been done during the transition process – liaise closely with Student Liaison Team as necessary in an ongoing manner.
12. Ensure that diagnostic assessment has been undertaken by each student and use the results of this to inform 1-1 tutorials and target setting.
13. Develop students’ study skills through tutorial workshops.
14. Provide regular 1-1 tutorials as per review schedule. Provide a schedule to all students at the beginning of each term informing them of dates and times for their tutorials.
15. Keep appropriate records about each student’s attendance and academic progress and personal development. Much of this can be accomplished using the College ILP. However, some records are confidential and need to be kept separately.
16. Contribute to written references to potential employers or UCAS. Records are subject to the Data Protection Act.
17. In the event of a change of course or tutor, these records must be available to be passed on. (The ILP preserves all entries from previous years.)
18. Using the tutorial scheme of work, be responsible for the planning of a relevant and cohesive tutorial programme which reflects students’ needs, aspirations and is informed by the embedded principles of Equality and Diversity.
19. Liaise with wider parts of the College as appropriate in order to provide a tutorial programme which meets the needs of particular cohorts of students – this may involve identifying and booking specialist speakers. (Whenever a visiting speaker or other member of staff is invited to a tutorial it is the Progression Coach’s role to be present just as at a normal tutorial a) to gather information for follow-up tutorial work, b) to welcome and thank the speaker, c) make links between the tutorial and the students’ curriculum.)
20. To prepare students for their next steps whether that be progression within Further Education, applications for University or employment/supported employment. This may be on an individual basis or via classroom based activities.
Child protection is the responsibility of all staff. The College will therefore:
1. Encourage and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
2. Ensure students know that there are staff in the College whom they can approach if they are worried.
3. Include opportunities in the curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.
4. All staff will be required to undertake appropriate safeguarding induction and training.