The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will work across inpatient, rehabilitation and community teams under the supervision of the Clinical Matron, undertaking tobacco dependence assessments, educating service users about options to manage their tobacco dependence differently, without harm from smoking and supporting quit attempts. The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will be responsible for creating personalized QUITT Plans and assist service users to access the support they need for their quit attempt both during their inpatient stay and arranging and liaising with the relevant teams for discharge. The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will also be responsible for supporting service users maintain their temporary abstinence from smoking while admitted to our services. The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will also collect data in accordance with the metrics required by the ICS and NHSE monitoring. The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will play a key role within a wide multidisciplinary team, to raise awareness of the harm from tobacco and the effects on long term physical health, particularly for people with serious mental illness. The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will develop links with other local & regional Tobacco Dependency services. They will play a key role in developing a regional Tobacco Dependency advisor network and supporting the research aims of the Tobacco Dependency team.