Investigator (Enhanced Case Management)/ Ymchwilydd (Rheoli Achosion Uwch) (hybrid) Contract Type Permanent Working Pattern Full time - flexible working may be considered Working Hours 35 hours per week Salary £42,446 FTE (plus 10% London weighting where applicable) Location Options Hybrid - home based and Cardiff Function Type Investigations We are recruiting a highly experienced Investigation Officer for one of our offices based in, London, Birmingham or Cardiff. This is a hybrid role and if you do not live within a commutable distance of our office locations, we can offer a remote contract. This is an exciting opportunity to make a positive contribution to a multifaceted, forward-thinking and a high performing team. As an Investigation Officer within our specialist investigation team (Enhanced Case Management Team), you will be leading on high-profile regulatory work we undertake. We receive thousands of reports every year raising allegations of misconduct and regulatory breaches against those we regulate. The enhanced case management team consider the most serious and complex cases referred by our Assessment Early Resolution Team (AERT). These cases often involve regulatory concerns such as fraud, sexual misconduct, misuse of legal systems amongst others. Some of these cases receive media and public attention. Working in a dynamic environment, you will be responsible for managing your own complex case investigations which will require you to identify regulatory concerns, plan and conduct a proportionate investigation, assess the risk posed to members of public, make recommendations as to case disposal and work collaboratively with colleagues across the intelligence and forensic investigation team, interventions team, in-house lawyers, and external legal and regulatory agencies. You can read more about our approach to enforcement here. As a highly experienced investigations officer, you will be expected to adopt a customer focused approach throughout the investigation and deliver a high-quality and timely investigation. We strive to ensure that we adopt an inclusive approach in our investigations. What we are looking for You will either 1) be a qualified legal professional with relevant practice experience, or 2) have a law enforcement background (PIP 2 accredited or above), or 3) have significant experience in complex investigations/ regulatory casework at a high level Experience of working in regulatory, compliance and enforcement environment with knowledge of evidence gathering through various sources - intelligence led, online/digital investigations, medical and/or technical expert reports and witness interviews Experience or the ability to conduct complex and challenging investigations, whilst demonstrating a high level of skill, and professional judgement, particularly when dealing with sensitive or confidential matters Demonstrate proven analytical skills with a critical approach to detail and strong written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to assess and adapt your style in a multi-agency environment Ability to research, analyse, summarise, and report on data/evidence in a clear and coherent way; and to draft recommendations for appropriate case disposal/recommendations supported by clear arguments for the Adjudicators and Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Ability to co-ordinate and quality assure the production of relevant material and bundles of evidence for experts, adjudicators, tribunals so that decision making is facilitated in line with the legal framework, operational guidance/policy and best practice; liaising with all relevant stakeholders for each case as necessary to ensure deadlines are met and all are appropriately advised about case progression, delays, hearings and outcomes Proven record of interpreting and applying relevant legislation, rules, guidance and professional standards Ability to act strategically, identify policy ideas or new initiatives, and develop practical innovative and creative solutions to case progression and management Educated to degree level or have equivalent work experience Applications are welcome from a wide range of experience and expertise including those with experience of working in other regulators, senior case workers, or specialist investigation roles. What's in it for you? Play a key role inprotecting the public and enforce high professional standards by engaging with regulated firms and individuals as well as members of the Public Opportunity to manage and be involved in a broad range of cases involving complex, technical and sensitive regulatory matters. Work collaboratively with other areas of our organisation such as the Legal and Enforcement, Authorisation, Intelligence and Forensic Investigation teams A rolling in-depth training program where you can develop and refine your analysis and investigation skills There are excellent opportunities to develop your career and progress within the department and wider SRA, either in a senior investigation role, leadership positions or legal and enforcement for the right candidate. Flexible working arrangements considered. A positive work/life balance allowing you to pursue wider personal and professional development opportunities. Useful and additional information There is a Role Profile attached at the bottom of the advert on our website. We are currently advertising this opportunity on a full-time basis(35 hours per week). Location: If you do not live within a commutable distance of one of our office locations (Birmingham, Cardiff or London (Bank)) we can offer a home-based contract where you will mostly work from home with the occasional requirement to come into the office. If you live within a commutable distance to one of our offices, you will be offered a hybrid role which means 1-2 days a week in the office and rest of the week from home. Feel free to contact us to discuss your location via Please note that we are not accepting applications to this email address. To apply Please use the apply button at the bottom of the advert on our careers page. You will need to upload a CV and provide evidence of your knowledge, skills, and experience and how they specifically relate to key requirements of the role in particular what we have highlighted under the 'What we are looking for' section. The responses you provide in the application form will be used to shortlist your application. Answers to each criterion must be no more than 300 words. To find out more about the recruitment and selection process and how to make the most of your application, please visit our jobs pages. Closing date for applications is 19 December 2024 at 09:00. Assessments and interview will take place in January 2025. Previous applicants who have applied for the investigation role for the AERT or Investigations (Main Unit) within the last six months will not be considered. Rydyn ni'n recriwtio Swyddog Ymchwilio profiadol iawn ar gyfer un o'n swyddfeydd yn Llundain, Birmingham neu Gaerdydd. Mae hon yn rôl hybrid ac os nad ydych chi'n byw o fewn pellter cymudo i'n swyddfeydd, gallwn gynnig contract o bell. Dyma gyfle cyffrous i wneud cyfraniad cadarnhaol at dîm amlochrog, blaengar sy'n perfformio'n dda. Fel Swyddog Ymchwilio yn ein tîm ymchwilio arbenigol (Tîm Rheoli Achosion Uwch), byddwch yn arwain gwaith rheoleiddio proffil uchel rydyn ni'n ei wneud. Rydyn ni'n cael miloedd o adroddiadau bob blwyddyn sy'n codi honiadau o gamymddwyn a thorri rheoliadau yn erbyn y rhai rydyn ni'n eu rheoleiddio. Mae'r tîm rheoli achosion uwch yn ystyried yr achosion mwyaf difrifol a chymhleth sydd wedi'u cyfeirio gan ein Tîm Asesu a Datrys Cynnar (AERT). Mae'r achosion hyn yn aml yn cynnwys pryderon rheoleiddiol fel twyll, camymddwyn rhywiol a chamddefnyddio systemau cyfreithiol ymhlith eraill. Mae rhai o'r achosion hyn yn cael sylw yn y cyfryngau a sylw'r cyhoedd. Gan weithio mewn amgylchedd deinamig, byddwch yn gyfrifol am reoli'ch ymchwiliadau achos cymhleth eich hun a fydd yn gofyn ichi adnabod pryderon rheoleiddiol, cynllunio a chynnal ymchwiliad cymesur, asesu'r risg i aelodau'r cyhoedd, gwneud argymhellion ynghylch gwaredu achosion a chydweithredu â chydweithwyr ar draws y tîm ymchwilio cudd-wybodaeth a fforensig, y tîm ymyriadau, cyfreithwyr mewnol, ac asiantaethau cyfreithiol a rheoleiddiol allanol. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am ein dull gweithredu yma. Fel swyddog ymchwiliadau profiadol iawn, bydd disgwyl ichi fabwysiadu dull sy'n canolbwyntio ar gwsmeriaid drwy gydol yr ymchwiliad a chyflawni ymchwiliad amserol o ansawdd uchel. Rydyn ni'n ymdrechu i sicrhau ein bod yn mabwysiadu dull cynhwysol yn ein hymchwiliadau. Yr hyn rydyn ni'n chwilio amdano: Byddwch chi naill ai Profiad o weithio mewn amgylchedd rheoleiddio, cydymffurfio a gorfodi gyda gwybodaeth am gasglu tystiolaeth drwy amrywiol ffynonellau - dan arweiniad cudd-wybodaeth, ymchwiliadau ar-lein/digidol, adroddiadau arbenigol meddygol a/neu dechnegol a chyfweliadau â thystion Profiad o gynnal neu'r gallu i gynnal ymchwiliadau cymhleth a heriol, tra'n dangos lefel uchel o sgil, a barn broffesiynol, yn enwedig wrth ddelio â materion sensitif neu gyfrinachol Sgiliau dadansoddi cydnabyddedig gydag ymagwedd feirniadol at fanylder a sgiliau cyfathrebu cryf mewn ysgrifen ac ar lafar, gan gynnwys y gallu i asesu ac addasu'ch arddull mewn amgylchedd amlasiantaeth Y gallu i ymchwilio, dadansoddi, crynhoi, ac adrodd ar ddata/tystiolaeth mewn ffordd glir a chydlynol; ac i ddrafftio argymhellion ar gyfer gwaredu/argymhellion priodol ar gyfer achosion a ategir gan ddadleuon clir i'r Tribiwnlys Disgyblu Dyfarnwyr a Chyfreithwyr Y gallu i gydlynu a sicrhau ansawdd deunydd perthnasol a bwndeli o dystiolaeth sy'n cael eu llunio ar gyfer arbenigwyr, dyfarnwyr, tribiwnlysoedd fel bod y gwaith penderfynu'n cael ei hwyluso yn unol â'r fframwaith cyfreithiol, y canllawiau/polisi gweithredol a'r arferion gorau; gan gysylltu â'r holl randdeiliaid perthnasol ar gyfer pob achos yn ôl yr angen i sicrhau bod terfynau amser yn cael eu bodloni a bod pawb yn cael eu cynghori'n briodol am gynnydd achosion, oedi, gwrandawiadau a chanlyniadau Hanes cydnabyddedig o ddehongli a chymhwyso deddfwriaeth, rheolau, canllawiau a safonau proffesiynol perthnasol Y gallu i weithredu'n strategol, nodi syniadau polisi neu fentrau newydd, a datblygu atebion arloesol a chreadigol ymarferol i ddilyniant a rheolaeth achosion Addysg hyd at lefel gradd neu brofiad gwaith cyfatebol Mae croeso i geisiadau gan ystod eang o brofiad ac arbenigedd gan gynnwys y rhai sydd â phrofiad o weithio mewn rheoleiddwyr eraill, uwch weithwyr achosion, neu rolau ymchwilio arbenigol. Beth sydd ar gael i chi? Chwarae rôl allweddol wrth ddiogelu'r cyhoedd a gorfodi safonau proffesiynol uchel trwy ymgysylltu â ffyrmiau ac unigolion a reoleiddir yn ogystal ag aelodau o'r cyhoedd Cyfle i reoli a chymryd rhan mewn ystod eang o achosion sy'n ymwneud â materion rheoleiddio cymhleth, technegol a sensitif. Gweithio ar y cyd â rhannau eraill o'n sefydliad, megis y timau Cyfraith a Gorfodi, Awdurdodi, Cudd-wybodaeth ac Ymchwilio Fforensig Rhaglen hyfforddi fanwl dreigl lle gallwch ddatblygu a mireinio'ch sgiliau dadansoddi ac ymchwilio Cyfleoedd ardderchog i ddatblygu'ch gyrfa a'ch cynnydd yn yr adran ac yn yr SRA ehangach, naill ai mewn rôl ymchwilio uwch, swyddi arwain neu yn yr adran cyfraith a gorfodi ar gyfer yr ymgeisydd cywir. Trefniadau gweithio hyblyg yn cael eu hystyried. Cydbwysedd cadarnhaol rhwng bywyd a gwaith, sy'n eich galluogi i ddilyn cyfleoedd datblygu personol a phroffesiynol ehangach. Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol ac ychwanegol Mae proffil rôl llawn ynghlwm ar waelod yr hysbyseb hon ar ein gwefan. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn hysbysebu'r cyfle hwn yn llawn amser (35 awr yr wythnos). Lleoliad: Os nad ydych yn byw o fewn pellter cymudo i leoliad un o'n swyddfeydd (Birmingham, Caerdydd neu Lundain (Bank)) gallwn gynnig contract sydd wedi'i leoli gartref lle byddwch yn gweithio gartref gan amlaf gyda'r gofyniad i ddod i mewn i'r swyddfa o dro i dro. Os ydych yn byw o fewn pellter cymudo i un o'n swyddfeydd, cewch gynnig rôl hybrid sy'n golygu 1-2 ddiwrnod yr wythnos yn y swyddfa a gweddill yr wythnos gartref. Mae croeso ichi gysylltu â ni i drafod eich lleoliad drwy: Sylwch nad ydym yn derbyn ceisiadau yn y cyfeiriad ebost hwn. I wneud cais Defnyddiwch y botwm gwneud cais ar waelod yr hysbyseb ar ein tudalen gyrfaoedd. Bydd angen i chi lanlwytho CV a darparu tystiolaeth o'ch gwybodaeth, eich sgiliau a'ch profiad a sut maen nhw'n ymwneud yn benodol â gofynion allweddol y rôl, yn enwedig yr hyn rydyn ni wedi'i amlygu o dan yr adran 'Yr hyn rydyn ni'n chwilio amdano'. Bydd yr ymatebion a roddwch yn y ffurflen gais yn cael eu defnyddio i lunio rhestr fer. Rhaid cadw'r atebion i bob maen prawf i 300 o eiriau. I gael gwybod mwy am y broses recriwtio a dethol a sut i wneud y gorau o'ch cais, ewch i'n tudalennau swyddi. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 19 Rhagfyr 2024 am 09:00 Cynhelir asesiadau a chyfweliadau ym mis Ionawr 2025. Ni fydd ymgeiswyr blaenorol sydd wedi gwneud cais am rôl ymchwilio yn yr AERT neu mewn Ymchwiliadau (Prif Uned) o fewn y chwe mis diwethaf yn cael eu hystyried. The SRA is the independent regulator of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales, protecting consumers and supporting the rule of law and the administration of justice. We do this by overseeing all education and training requirements necessary to practise as a solicitor, licensing individuals and firms to practise, setting the standards of the profession and regulating and enforcing compliance against these standards. We offer an inclusive, supportive and friendly working environment and the chance to develop your career within a professional organisation. We are committed to the health and wellbeing of staff, helping everyone to strike a good balance between personal and professional life. Additionally, we provide a generous flexible benefits package, including gym membership with a tax only cost, an excellent defined contribution pension scheme and an additional 3% of annual basic salary upon successful completion of probation. Attached Role Profile Investigation Officer Role Profile.pdf - 298KB Opens in a new window Supporting Documents Proffil Swydd Swyddog Ymchwilio.docx - 232KB Opens in a new window Converted File Proffil Swydd Swyddog Ymchwilio.docx.pdf - 58KB Opens in a new window Vacancy closing date: 19/12/2024, 09:00 The Solicitors Regulation Authority is an Equal Opportunities Employer. Diversity and inclusion is central to everything we do. We are actively committed to promoting and participating in good practice in the way that we attract, recruit and retain staff. Everyone is encouraged to bring their whole self to work because we appreciate the value that a truly diverse workforce brings to an organisation. We celebrate difference, recognising the benefits this brings to our inclusive culture, including age, disability, gender identity and expression, religion, race, sex, sexual orientation and socio economic background. We are a Stonewall Top 100 Employer, a member of ENEI, a disability confident employer and we are happy to talk flexible working.