Purpose of the role:
Responsibility for the on- site running of the registered service and accountable for all elements of service delivery, across supported accommodation premises and categories in line with OFSTED requirements
To lead and manage a team of Support Workers to deliver high quality, effective supported housing services and/or housing management services to 16-17 care leavers and 18 year leavers that meet their needs and meet contractual requirements and financial target across two sites in Lewisham. On completion of probationary review to register with Ofsted as Registered Service Manager.
* Effectively lead and deliver services which comply with the regulatory framework
* Meeting service quality standards and ensuring your team are adhering to all operational and policy standards. Be the accountable lead for the service.
* Ensuring all service user support and safety plans are in place, are in date and reflect individual needs
* Ensuring your staff team understand and meet the agreed financial standards on voids, arrears and re-lets.
* Acting as a lead operational partner liaising with other agencies, partners and commissioners as required. Agreeing service level agreements with external agencies that can provide specialist support to your service and build and maintain effective working relationships both externally and internally.
* Work collaboratively with other internal support services -such as Quality, Policy and Safeguarding as well as Finance, IT and HR in order to ensure we are providing the best service to our users.
* Promoting service user involvement in service design and Delivery. Managing the rota and on-call arrangements to ensure that appropriate support is in place and participate in that rota.
People Management:
* Lead team by example by upholding Client's values and behaviours and translating those into everyday activity. Be prepared to make difficult decisions and support direct reports to make difficult decisions.
* Own and set direction for a team/direct reports to deliver the organisational and local priorities
* Take responsibility for the communication of organisational and local messages through regular and effective team meetings
* Set clear objectives and performance targets for each direct report using the appraisal process and monitor through regular one to ones.
* Work collaboratively across Client and with external stakeholders ensuring that you and your team provide a good service.
* Challenge direct reports to continually consider better ways of delivering outcomes for their service users/learners
* Provide development and support to your direct reports to ensure their effectiveness and wellbeing.
* Take responsibility for all aspects of people management including managing the recruitment, attendance, conduct and performance of direct reports using the appropriate policies and procedures.
* Recognise and reward positive behaviours and contributions from direct reports consistently and encourage innovation.
Professional and Technical Expertise:
* Responsible for at least 1 support contract.
* Budget: From £200k up to £1.5 million
* Units - 25 -150 depending on type and level of need of service users
* Ensuring safeguarding and risk management is a key part of our support work and that any safeguarding alerts and/or incidents are safely managed. Be the accountable Safeguarding lead for the service.
* Be the accountable budget holder for your service and ensure financial targets are met and budget delivery is effectively managed. Liaise with finance colleagues to manage the same and put financial recovery plans in place if necessary.
* Working with the central Asset Management Team to ensure all aspects of property management are effectively delivered including: Management of maintenance issues, adherence to health and safety requirements, property standards and compliance and liaison with landlords.
* Work in partnership with the central Housing Management and Performance Team on tenure management, compliance with arrears policy and procedure, issuing notices and working within operational policies, procedures and Housing Law.
Organisational Performance and Compliance:
* Ensure that initial and regular assessments of the potential or actual service user, including any risks, of his/her needs and requirements in respect of the service, to determine eligibility for the service taking necessary action where required are delivered by direct reports.
* Ensure that all the required health & safety checks are undertaken in person or by direct reports, taking any necessary remedial action.
* Set team performance targets as agreed with your manager and ensure that they are delivered by effectively managing resources, including working within income and budget targets.
* Contribute to identifying and developing bids for new and existing business working with the Business Development Team.
* Ensure that you and your team maintain up to date records via relevant and appropriate systems within specified timeframes and produce reports as required.
* Positively promote and represent Client at all times, building strong relationships with colleagues to work as part of an integrated team focused on meeting the needs of services users/learners.
* Adhere to Client's Safeguarding and data policies and procedures at all times and comply with legislation and statutory duties and data controls protocols and ensure that your team understand and deliver their responsibilities
* Promote and carry out all responsibilities with full regard to Client's Equality and Diversity Policy and ensure that your team do the same.
* Keep up to date with relevant regulatory requirements of the sector and ensure that service delivery meets these requirements, including engaging in audits and inspections as required