Deputy Nursery Manager You will play a key role in providing exceptional physical, emotional, social, intellectual and educational care for all our children. As well as your hands-on childcare duties, you will be integral to the running of the Nursery, providing support for management activities, deputising for the manager in their absence, supervising staff and using your professional expertise to contribute ideas and initiatives, model best practice and provide support and guidance to the team. You’ll also act as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) and will have opportunities for training and development in relevant areas of interest. For full details and selection criteria please download the further particulars from the link below. Further particulars - Deputy Nursery Manager The closing date for completed applications is noon (UK time) on Monday, 17 March 2025. Interviews will take place in person, in Oxford and are likely to be in the week of 24 March 2025. Informal enquiries about the role may be directed to