Clinical Effectiveness To provide visible Clinical Effectiveness support for a Clinical Group/s within the Trust; this encompasses Clinical Audit, implementation of National Guidance including NICE, management of Clinical Guidelines and Learning from Excellence. To devise an annual clinical audit programme for the Group using a variety of information sources, such as Incidents, SIs, complaints, previous audit results, implementation of national guidance and CQC reports. Ensure this plan is consulted on and approved in the Group Clinical GovernanceMeeting. To oversee the delivery of the audit plan throughout the year, including advice on clinical audit, support on registration, promoting discussion and presentation of results within the specialty, directorate and group, and ensuring action plans are created and completed. To support the development and review of clinical guidelines within the Group including reporting on guidelines that have expired and supporting them though the approval process. To develop and maintain good working relationships with all healthcare professionals within their group to promote clinical effectiveness so that staff know who to get in contact with when they would like to. To be part of a cohesive, collaborative Governance team; building relationships and working alongside other areas such as complaints, risk and patient safety to identify themes, trends and areas for improvement. Clinical Audit To support healthcare professionals to undertake clinical audits. Including training on a variety of induction programmes and one to one teaching. To support a number of National Audits both within the group and from other areas of the Trust. This includes: Develop full understanding of the requirements for the national audit Identify the Clinical Lead for the National Audit and ensure they understand the requirements of the audit. Identify the best way to collect the information required and where the information is documented (this includes exact fields on Unity). Identify how the information will be collected and submitted Conduct preliminary analysis if the data is available. Lead discussions of the results once available. Support the development of robust effective action plans. Monitor the action plans and report on progress at directorate, group and Trust level. Seek support if any concerns arise throughout the year. To develop and maintain systems to ensure that group priority audits have effective action plans and to monitor and report on the delivery of these actions. To promote registration of clinical audits and the reasons behind registration. To register the clinical audits within the Group, identify any required changes to the method to enable the registration to be successful. To support the sharing of audit data across the specialties and Clinical Group to facilitate learning; sharing with the wider Clinical Effectiveness Team to ensure transferable learning is made available across other Groups. Clinical Guidelines To oversee the development of the Trust Clinical Guidelines relevant to the specialities and Clinical Group; Identifying any that are out of date, liaising with the lead to ensure they are reviewed, supporting them through the approval process and uploading to the intranet, and escalating any areas of concern. To oversee and provide support and advice on the approval process for Clinical Guidelines within the group. NICE To monitor compliance with published NICE Guidance relevant specialities of the Clinical Group. Support specialties to provide evidence of compliance through gap analysis. Work with the specialties and Clinical Group to identify actions to become complaint. Provide oversight and escalation in relation to compliance to NICEguidance and any areas of concern. Training To deliver training on the inductions for junior doctors on their main induction programme. To deliver local bespoke training for Groups and Directorates where requested. To deliver inductions and training for other clinicians as required. To design and lead clinical audit training for staff within Groups that is accessible and effective. Reporting To ensure that the Groups and directorates have the reports they require from the clinical effectiveness portfolio to have good conversations about clinical effectiveness and discuss and implement improvements. To Complete the clinical effectiveness components of the Clinical Governance report for the Group Governance Board. Review and interpret data to present in a way that is meaningful to the Clinical Group and Specialities; demonstrating analytical, interpretation skills and attention to detail. Key working relationships To develop and maintain close working relationships with clinical Governance colleagues e.g. clinical risk and complaints. To establish close working relationships with key members of staff from the Clinical Group with responsibilities for clinical governance. To establish effective working relationships with staff from all disciplines to ensure that a multidisciplinary approach to clinical effectiveness is adopted. Other responsibilities To keep up to date with current issues in clinical effectiveness and inform team members and clinicians of any implications for their work. To support the management and delivery of other projects that are within the Clinical effectiveness portfolio.