Commercial Manager Our client is a large omni-channel marketing agency that is growing and offering more creative services than ever before.
Find out if this opportunity is a good fit by reading all of the information that follows below.
This includes bringing new channels to market, exploring and employing cutting edge methods, technology and management tools.
With that in mind, we are looking for a Commercial Manager to join our team, to help shape and support our continued growth.
You will work closely with our leadership team, and our central finance function.
Responsible for ensuring our agency operates efficiently and effectively, you will be analysing commercial data to inform and influence decisions on our current and future business.
Informing new propositions, exploring commercial opportunities and operating models – helping us stay relevant and ‘fit for the future’ in a competitive market.
Strong business acumen, financial literacy, analytical and problem-solving skills are a must.
With an eye for trends to maximise opportunities or combat problems before they become threats.
You will collaborate with our Head of Project Management and Head of Account Direction, managing and monitoring our sales pipeline, work in progress and ensuring the correct levels of commercial governance are in place.
Forecasting and budgeting are key to this role, as is the partnership with our client account teams, working together to develop business plans and contracts aimed at long-term business sustainability and growth.
There will be elements of negotiating new and existing contracts with suppliers, and customers, on behalf of the business.
This often includes the exploration and preparation of commercial and operating models, which can vary by client, sector and service.
We’re open to challenge and exploring new ways of working, including introducing software’s and technology to the business and our client’s benefit.
You should be able to work both independently and as part of a team, with excellent and adaptable communication skills, equipped for dealing with different stakeholders across our business.
Listening to the needs and requirements of various stakeholders and the ability to effectively verbalise and bring to life your own ideas.
This role requires a constant connection to the business, so you will be based within the agency in Nottinghamshire Functional role and responsibilities: The Commercial Manager role breaks down into the following main areas.
People Products Clients Business Development Commercial Reporting Trend Analysis Future thinking People You will need to understand and work with the whole team and connected teams, across the group.
From finance and accounting, the Management Team, Skills Team Leaders and group wide – we'll help you to understand the people and skills.
We’ll explain how the teams are structured and how people knit together, working through projects, from estimating to cash collection (and the various stages in between).
Commercial Commercial covers the following areas: Budgets & Forecasting Estimating annual sales and costs for all Account Directors' and our clients Reforecasting part way through the financial year Looking at sales pipeline and forward book Estimating Checking and agreeing estimates, including value add, recovery, pitch, client dev and outwork Monitoring the accuracy, value and conversation rate of estimates Estimates vs quotes, rate cards, procurement consultancy partners Difference in how we estimate based on discipline, film, insight, events etc Rate card reviews with clients Costs Cost rates across the business Cost rate increases and impact of implementing these All inward and outward costs from all suppliers, plus intercompany activity All expenses, travel, and entertaining vs budget Training and recruitment vs budget Time & active hours sold Understanding of all elements from timesheet collection Recognising true costs Understand holidays and leave and how that impacts our weekly recovery Peaks and troughs Stock All work in progress Aged debt Job cost overspends Provisions process and reconciliation Invoicing Ship to bill Pre invoicing Part invoicing big jobs in stages Invoicing frequency Payment terms Cash Cash flow Keeping cash moving through – spotting any ‘rotten fruit’ More regular invoicing throughout the month Better visibility of what has been invoiced month to date and how far we are off budget Financing and capital expenditure Accounts (Finance Team) Liaising with key people in the account team in salaries, purchase leger, credit checks, new supplier set up, services agreements, confidentiality agreements, terms of payment and contracts.
Sales Understand the pitch process o Pitch triage/ qualification How we set budgets and collect time and cost for pitches How we report on conversion/ win rate Client dev process R&D – what constitutes R&D and how can we make sure we accurately capture this and claim back via Cooper Parry Budgets and performance against budget Pipelines and Hubspot Reports and systems ERP (Epicor) Adobe Workfront Excel (estimating templates and rate cards) Power BI Finance team systems KPI’s for all Create teams Future thinking Aspirations
- where do we want to be commercially? How our systems and processes offer compare in the marketplace What opportunities are there for process improvement and visibility of numbers? How do we plan and launch new products to market in a commercially viable way? Extending the Create campus to facilitate further growth Margin model Reporting Create a meaningful report for the Management Team meeting Attend the Account Director and Project Management team meetings and provide a commercial update Respond to ad hoc requests from members of the Management Team and Exec Help us to create a meaningful dashboard for Management Team in Workfront Help us get better visibility of who is on leave/ how much leave we have in any given week and calculate the impact of that on our recovery figures Behavioural and cultural expectations: Lead by example Follow our values Culture ambassador Be visible and mobile (get around the teams and business and clients where relevant) Be inquisitive Listen, make time Inspire and encourage Engender a team and community spirit Training as required on the above Salary £45k-£50K