Providing support to service users and the team in To work in co-production with clients and other members of the team, providing personalized, collaborative care plans. These will emphasize recovery, social inclusion, vocational rehabilitation and promote good physical health and wellbeing. Alongside other professionals, to assist in planning and implementing focused and timely interventions for individuals. To develop creative and flexible ways of working and strong links and partnerships with local providers for the benefit of service users. To empower and involve service users in the design of their own care and in the delivery of this and the wider service provision. To empower and involve service users in the design and delivery of their own care within the service and in the wider service provision. To use creative ways of engagement and forming professional working relationships. To offer a flexible service, which supports service users in times of distress or mental health relapse, involving relevant others where necessary, and increasing support on a reviewable basis. To ensure that when functioning as a lone worker the appropriate lone worker guidance is adhered to. Provide accurate, legible and complete information consistent with legal and organizational requirements as appropriate.