To assess learning needs required by staff to enable them to fulfil their role in the Critical Care, in line with the Unit's planned service provision. To develop, implement, organise and evaluate learning resources/competencies and other staff development programmes in order to meet the Units and individuals learning needs. To monitor staff's compliance with all training requirements and to maintain appropriate documentation on staff progress and achievements. Facilitate and co-ordinate in collaboration with Edgehill University the Masters level Critical care course To teach and deliver all the Critical Care Modules for the masters level Critical Care Course. Alongside the modular lead be accountable for staff group in the assessments and marking of the Critical Care course candidates Ensure nursing staff are competent in the use of equipment and adhere to Department policies regarding the cleaning and repair of any faulty equipment. Participate in the recruitment of Unit staff when required. Support the Critical Care lead nurse in the management of the critical care area Assist where necessary as a Practice Educators link for Mersey and Cheshire critical care network to ensure standardisation of educational and clinical practice across the network. To organise and facilitate the induction of all staff bands into Critical Care.