This crucial new role within the executive team at The Rivers C.of E. Academy Trust will offer the successful candidate an exciting opportunity to work with our school improvement team, leaders, and staff on the development, implementation, and delivery of our inclusion strategy across the trust.
The director of inclusion (DoI) will lead, oversee, and quality assure the development and implementation of inclusive practices across the trust, helping to ensure an extraordinary education for every pupil.
The role comes with significant responsibilities including safeguarding, welfare, and inclusion. Working closely with the executive team and reporting directly to the CEO, this strategic post will be a crucial part in delivering our Rivers 2030 strategy. You will be required to attend executive and trust board meetings and work strategically with other executive leaders, head teachers, SENDCos, designated safeguarding leads (DSLs), and the wider central services team to drive continuous improvement and provide support, advice, and guidance.
You will be an experienced and strategic leader who can articulate our mission, vision, and values and encourage and empower others to be the best that they can be for our pupils.
Closing date is Midday on Thursday 13th March 2025. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by Thursday 20th March. Interview date 28th March 2025.