General Cellular Pathology: The department processes approximately 5,000 requests a year. Skin specimens are the largest group type followed by gastrointestinal, gynaecology, urological and breast specimens. Large specimens are from the following surgical procedures: laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, breast surgery, upper and lower GI surgery (oesophagectomy, gastrectomy and colectomy), hysterectomy, orchidectomy, nephrectomy, thyroidectomy, laryngectomy and cervical lymph node dissection for head and neck cancers. The appointee will deliver a quality focused area of service or services depending on specialties sharing day to day duties with colleagues. The Biomedical Scientists participate in uncomplicated benign tissue dissection. The department intends to train its Biomedical Scientists to acquire IBMS Diploma in Expert Practice in Histological Dissection and the appointee will be expected to be supportive in this training. Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meetings: There are currently seven MDT meetings (see table below) supported by an MDT Co-ordinator. Histological and radiological images are projected digitally. Digital clinical and macroscopic images are also projected during the meetings. The successful candidate will be expected to share the meetings with the current post holder depending on specialty. Gynaecological Cytology: Although cervical screening is reported in Bristol under contract with North Bristol Trust, the department carries out annual histological and cytological correlations for audit purposes. Non-Gynaecological Cytology: The Department processes about 50-100 non-gynaecological specimens per year. The specimens are reported under contract North Bristol Trust. Semen analysis is reported by Biomedical Scientists locally. Clots from serous fluids are reported as histological specimens. Autopsies: The hospital performs approximately 50 autopsies a year, predominantly by CTPM which may enable candidates to opt out of the invasive autopsy rota although PM experience would be advantageous. Approximately 90% of autopsies are carried out on behalf of H.M. Procureur for which a fee is paid. Paediatric and Forensic autopsies are carried out by visiting consultants. All physical autopsies are supported by an anatomical pathology assistant. On Call Duties: The successful candidate will only be expected to be on call for the police and very rarely histopathology frozen sections. The on-call duties for the police involve attending scenes of suspicious deaths to advise the police as to whether the Home Office Forensic Pathologist should attend or not. The appointee will be expected to participate in the on-call service for the police with the current post-holder on a weekly rota. A BMA fee is paid for attending a scene of death. Study Leave and Annual Leave: The appointee is entitled to 10 days study leave and between 30 and 32 days annual leave. Currently, Locum Cellular Pathologists from UK cover for annual leave and study leave for the post holder. It is expected that the two Consultants will cover for each other. HSC provides a generous study leave budget. External Quality Assurance Schemes: The appointee will be expected to participate in the general cellular pathology (Wessex) external assurance scheme (EQA) and any other EQA schemes of their choice depending on their special interest. Managerial Structure: The incumbent Cellular Pathologist, was appointed to the post as the overall Clinical Head of Pathology Services reporting to the Medical Director. This role was also the Lead Cancer Clinician. The Laboratory Services Manager is responsible for all financial and administrative day-to-day running of the department. The appointee will be expected to actively participate in both departmental and wider Pathology matters concerning clinical governance and strategic development. The Pathology Services: The Pathology Department at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital provides a comprehensive service to the Bailiwick of Guernsey. With approximately 50 staff across five disciplines, we are a small, friendly department, with a good team working spirit. The Clinical Lead for the Department is a resident Cellular Pathologist who reports directly to the Medical Director. The postholder is also the Lead Cancer Clinician for HSC. There is also a resident Consultant Haematologist but no resident Consultants in Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry. However, the Medical Microbiology service is supported 24/7 by phone from UK based consultants. The Department process approximately 160,000 delivered requests providing a service to primary and secondary care and visiting clinicians. Training: The appointee will be expected to participate in the training of Biomedical Scientists, which may include supervising masters degrees, cut-up & extended cut-up and lecturing to Student Nurses. Continuing Personal Development: The successful candidate will be expected to comply with the Royal College of Pathologists CPD requirements. 1.5 SPAs are included in the indicative job plan to allow for activities related to revalidation, including CPD, mandatory training, appraisal, quality improvement activities, etc. Additional SPA activity may be negotiated depending on the interests of the candidate and the requirements of the department. Appraisals: Revalidation takes place in the normal way with doctors providing evidence in the GMC domains over the appraisal cycle. Medical appraisal for revalidation takes place annually in the normal way. Currently there is a mix of on-island and off-island appraisals during a five-year cycle. Job Plan: A detailed job plan will be agreed with the Clinical Head of Services. The table below shows an indicative outline for a 10PA job plan. Additional PAs will depend on review of the job plan following successful appointment. Link with Southampton: University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust is the main tertiary referral centre for the Princess Elizabeth Hospital. The department also uses Southampton for second opinions as most cancer patients are referred there for Specialist MDT meetings. Clinical Attachment: Most Heath and Social Care and Medical Specialist Group Consultants have a link with UK hospitals to maintain expertise and reduce professional isolation. This is termed Clinical Attachment. In Cellular Pathology, this may involve travelling to a UK hospital to attend multidisciplinary meetings, slide reviews or teaching. Facilities Available: The appointee will be provided with an office, microscope with camera and computer with online facilities. A digital camera is available in the cut-up room for gross specimens. The department has procured a digital scanner and is in the process of fully integrating the technology into the LIMS. This will facilitate a digital pathology solution for second opinion, remote clinical cover, and options to refer excessive workloads. The department prides itself in rapid turnaround times. There are a range of immunocytochemistry stains which are processed by a fully automated stainer. Molecular diagnostics are provided by a single external private UK provider under SLA. Local clinicians can also access NHS genomics services where required.