Our nurse specialists provide a wide range of services, including: Providing specialist nursing care within the Childrens Bladder and Bowel service, delivering excellent patient centred care. Providing care, support and education within the inpatient/outpatient setting for children, parents and staff. Liaising with a multi-disciplinary team and coordinating the organisation of treatments, reviews and investigations. Developing treatment plans and care pathways with other related specialities, which may include allied health professionals, education and the Local Authority. Providing management support within the specialist nursing team Undertaking Clinical Supervision and formal appraisal. Delivering expert clinical care with varying levels of supervision as required. Participating in the implementation of any nursing service developments that promotes compliance with clinical governance guidance and the Care Quality Commission standards. Teaching and promoting our service to a wide range of audiences including children and young people, families and other professionals. You'll work alongside the lead nurses and other specialist nurses to ensure the effective use of resources and clinics, and identify opportunities to continually improve the service. You need to be able to travel independently to meet the extensive travel requirements of this role.