The post holder will be required to: Communicate and provide highly complex safeguarding and looked after children information across the Health economy to a wide range of internal and external stakeholders. Present highly complex information about projects, initiatives and services to a wide range of stakeholders in a formal setting such as the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership, Corporate Parenting Committee and Child Death Overview Panel. Commit to working and engaging constructively with NHS Commissioned providers, health services and other key stakeholders on a range of potentially contentious issues. Nurture key relationships and maintain networks both within the NHS and other networks such as the Safeguarding Children Partnerships, Corporate Parenting Committees and Child Death Overview Panels internally and externally, including national networks. Lead and coordinate the safeguarding and looked after children response to external and internal inspections such as: Ofsted, CQC, Peer reviews etc. Support collaborative working across health services, underpinned by appropriate pathways and policies to safeguard children. Assist with media management, especially in cases of local safeguarding issues generating media interest and where necessary liaise with media management of other agencies and partnerships to ensure a consistent media approach. Please see job description and person specification for more detail.