A Vacancy at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The Urology Department are looking for an enthusiastic, forward-thinking Locum Consultant in Urology Surgery to join the team. The ideal candidate will have asubspecialty interest in prostate cancer treatment (including diagnostics, competency in robotic radical prostatectomy and desire to train in focal therapy).
We want to invest in applicants who are motivated and dedicated to providing high standards of patient care and see their own personal and professional development as a priority but who will be fit to manage the growing challenges of healthcare in the UK as we move forward.
We have two hospital sites. Both have fully equipped theatre facilities. Elective, Acute and emergency theatre cases are undertaken on both Chelsea and Westminster and West Middlesex sites, outpatients clinics are provided at both hospitals. There is an Endoscopy Unit on both sites also.
The post holder will be expected to join the on-call with a commitment, of 1:4 rota for Urology emergencies.
All applicants for the Consultant post would ideally be on the GMC Specialist Register or be within six months of obtaining their CCT award at the time of interview.
If the applicant has specific competencies or interests in sub-specialty areas, this will be supported.
Interested applicants are invited to contact Hama Attar Clinical Lead (hama.attar@nhs.net) to organise an informal visit at the Chelsea and the West Middlesex sites.
The Trust Board comprises an independent Chair, Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett, Executive Directors (Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Medical Director, Chief Operating Director Chief Nurse, Chief Financial Officer, Director of HR and OD), and eight Non-Executive Directors from outside the NHS.
The Chief Executive of Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust is Mrs Lesley Watts, and the Medical Director is Dr Roger Chinn.
This post sits within the Division ofPlanned Care.
ThePlanned CareDirectorate Clinical Director is a member of the Divisional Board which includes the Divisional Medical Director and Divisional Director of Operations.
ThePlanned CareDepartment report to the Hospital Director / Deputy COO on the Chelsea and Westminstersite, and the Divisional Director of Operations for Planned Care at the Chelsea/West Middlesex University Hospital site. Clinical Directors are managerially accountable to the Divisional Director of Operations and professionally accountable to the Divisional Medical Director and works to mutually agreed corporate objectives.
We provide services from two main hospitals, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and West Middlesex University Hospital, and a number of clinics across London and the South-East. We have over 6,000 members of staff that are PROUD to Care for nearly one million people. Both hospitals provide full clinical services, including full maternity, emergency and children’s, in addition to a range of community-based services across London, such as award-winning sexual health and HIV clinics.
We’re one of the best preforming Trusts in the country. We’re also one of the top trusts to work for – our staff say they’re engaged, motivated, and would recommend us as a place to work and receive treatment.
Our Trust has been rated by the Care Quality Commission as ‘Good’ in all five of the main domains of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, giving an us overall rating of ‘Good’. We’ve also been awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating for ‘use of resources’ by an NHS Improvement inspection.
Our facilities are some of the best in the country. We have been investing around £10 million a year in our estate. We are currently spending £25 million on expanding our adult and neonatal critical care facilities at Chelsea and Westminster and redevelopment of our children’s unit at West Middlesex – in partnership with our charity, CW+ and generous donors.
The appointment of this post is to support the delivery of the cancer pathways in line with the national commissioning standards
The post holder will have the following duties:
• Outpatient clinics
• Diagnostic procedures eg. Flexible cystoscopy
• Inpatient and day case operating lists
• Attendance at MDT meetings
• Participation in audit and governance activities of the department
• Ensure compliance to commissioning standards for patients presenting on a 2WW or 62 day cancer pathway through prompt diagnosis and treatment.
• To work with the existing consultants and colleagues in management to meet current NHS targets for patient waiting times
• To support the subspecialisation in the department by appropriate cross referral to colleagues.
• Provide consultant care at an early stage to patients presenting to secondary care with presumed urological problems.
• Contribute to the care of inpatients, rotating this responsibility with colleagues.
• To promote early and safe discharge of patients
• Strong commitment to the organisation and delivery of training.
• Deliver outpatient clinics, diagnostic procedures and theatre lists to support the service
• Provide High Quality Care to Patients
• The post holder must adhere to the standards outlined by the GMC for the Good Medical Practice.
• Develop and maintain the competencies required to carry out the duties required of the post
• Ensure prompt attendance at agreed direct clinical care programmed activities
• Ensure patients are involved in decisions about their care and to respond to their views
• Demonstrate, model and encourage Trust values at all times to all patients and staff• Research, Teaching and Training (example please amend accordingly)
Provide high quality teaching to medical undergraduates and members of other health care professions as agreed with the Service Lead. To contribute to training and teaching of medical trainees, medical students, other doctors in training and other staff groups.
Act as a clinical supervisor and appraiser as delegated by the Clinical Director/Service Lead to ensure external accreditation of training post.
Where possible to collaborate with academic and clinical colleagues to enhance the Trust’s translational research/audit portfolio, at all times meeting the full requirements of Research Governance.
Ensure that your mandatory training is up to date as per Trust policy.
The Trust expects all consultants to participate fully in continuing professional development to ensure that skills and knowledge are updated in line with relevant medical developments.
• Consultants may apply to the study leave budget for help with associated expenses in line with the terms and conditions of their contract. In addition consultants will be expected to undertake some non-clinical training and development at the discretion of the trust management, for example, Leadership TrainingPerformance Management (example please amend accordingly)
Work with medical, nursing, other clinical and managerial colleagues to ensure high performance in the following areas:
Clinical efficiency e.g. Length of Stay (LOS) reductions, admission on day of surgery, reducing cancelled operations and DNA rates.
Quality of outcomes e.g. infection control targets, reducing re-admission rates.
Financial management e.g. identification, implementation and achievement of cost improvement programmes and participating in efforts to ensure services are provided cost effectively e.g. managing locum agency spend, monitoring and managing the drug budget to target, ensuring accuracy of clinical data for the team.
Operational efficiency e.g. day-case rates, waiting list activity and demand management.
• Medical Staff Management Accountability
Work with colleagues to ensure Junior doctors’ hours are compliant in line with EWTD, New Deal and 2016 Junior Doctors contract.
Ensure that Trust systems and procedures are in place and followed to control and monitor leave for junior medical staff and to ensure that there is appropriate cover within the clinical areas, including on-call commitments.
Adhere to Trust / department guidelines on leave, including requesting and reporting absence, and professional and study leave, and to ensure that members of staff for whom you are responsible do the same.
Participate in the recruitment and induction of junior medical staff as delegated by the Clinical Director/Service Lead.
Participate in team objective setting as part of the annual job planning cycle.
Be responsible for on-going assessment and regular appraisal of all doctors in training, Trust doctors and non-consultant grades as delegated by the Clinical Director/Service Lead /General Manager.
Participate fully in regular departmental activities including department meetings and team building activities.
• Leadership and Team Working (example please amend accordingly)
Demonstrate appropriate leadership skills with regard to individual performance, clinical teams, the Trust and when participating in national initiatives.
Participate in any necessary management and leadership development courses as required by the Trust.
Work collaboratively with all members of the multi-disciplinary team and Imperial College as required.
Set up and chair meetings relevant for clinical domain.
To promote local resolution of any conflict or differences of opinion. To involve appropriate parties for mediation, negotiation or discussion as appropriate.
Provide commitment and leadership in relation to equality and appropriate senior level management of diversity issues, particularly as they apply to training, people management and service delivery.
• Strategy and Business Planning (example please amend accordingly)
Work with medical managers and general managers to take forward the business planning and objective setting process for the directorate and Trust where appropriate.
Represent the Trust at appropriate clinical networks/other external clinical meetings, as delegated by the Clinical Director/Service Lead.
To attend and contribute at regular Departmental meetings as identified by the Clinical Lead.
• Governance
Review clinical outcomes in designated area using external benchmarking data where appropriate, to identify and advise variances to the Clinical Director/Service Lead.
Participate in clinical audit, incident reporting and analysis and to ensure resulting actions are implemented.
Work closely with the Directorate in relation to clinical and services developments as delegated by the Clinical Director/Service Lead.
Participate in ensuring NICE, NSF, CNST and other national guidance requirements are reviewed and implemented and monitored in the speciality areas.
Ensure clinical guidelines and protocols are adhered to by junior medical staff and any other staff for whom the post has responsibility and that these are updated on a regular basis.
Keep fully informed about best practice in the speciality areas and ensure implications for practice changes are discussed with the Clinical Director/ Service Lead.
To role model good practice for infection control to all members of the multidisciplinary team and adhere to the Trust Infection Control measures (available on the Trust Intranet).
To report all clinical and non-clinical accidents or incidents promptly, and to co-operate accordingly with any investigations undertaken.
This advert closes on Friday 6 Dec 2024