UKNNL is where your understanding of reactors fuels the nation. As part of our Fuel Reactor & Reprocessing capability, youll play a vital role in developing the UK fuel cycle in line with advances in new technology and new processes. As old reactors reach the end of their lifespan, we need experts like you, with the technical skills to virtually model scenarios that not only enable us to explore new ways of managing the inputs and outputs of reactors, but also pave the way for the implementation of smaller, cleaner revolutionary new reactors. This is a place where you can use your knowledge and expertise to do long term meaningful work for years to come.
As the national laboratory for nuclear fission in the UK, we are harnessing nuclear science to solve some of the worlds biggest challenges.
UKNNL has a world-class active electron microscope suite, including high-end TEM, FEG-TEM, FIB, PFIB and SEM instruments, supporting both national infrastructure and academic research. The NNL Microstructure team provides information on fuel and reactor material performance, supporting the operation of nuclear facilities.
UKNNL are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to join the Microstructure team as it expands its role in this exciting area of nuclear science.
To join the UKNNL Post Doctorate programme you will have a PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, minerology or equivalent with...