Job description
Support Worker Part Time Ref: SOLODFY
Hi, would you like to join my team? I am a young lady living at home with my family in Didcot, Oxfordshire. We are looking for additional team members to help support me in my home and out in the community. I enjoy socialising and going out so its important that you can drive my vehicle.
I have complex health and support needs which includes some clinical support so its important that I have confident and competent staff who are good communicators and can use my equipment safely. I have support with all aspects of my daily living which includes personal care, feeding and administering medicines through my Mickey Tube and moving and handling support including all transfers. I also require regular chest physio and suctioning. Whilst I need all this support its also important to me that I remain as independent as possible and am given opportunities to choose and be involved in my decisions.
I have a person-centered support plan which will help my team to support me with my health and care needs effectively. I also have a good existing team which includes my mum as well as staff, some of whom have known me since I was little. Its important to me that you get on with everyone ...