We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic GPs to join our expanding practice teams across locations in Nottingham City. We actively encourage GP input into the delivery and development of forward-thinking, patient-centred services.
Parliament Street Medical Centre is a city centre practice with a growing list size. It has a young population with a low rate of home visits. The practice has a history of achieving exemplary patient care (outstanding CQC rating) and has a high level of patient need around Severe Multiple Disadvantage. The existing team will work to support and develop new clinicians around this.
Bilborough Medical Centre & Grange Farm Medical Centre are in the West of the City, serving a very deprived area of Nottingham. They have a more traditional population with significant health problems and complex needs. The practices are looking to develop and embed innovative multidisciplinary team working and intend to expand this further to include many of the new ARRS roles. Grange Farm provides the lead care home role for City South PCN.
Greendale Primary Care Centre serves patients across Sneinton and St Anns in the East of the City. It also works in an area of significant deprivation with a significant number of patients where English is not their first language. Greendale PCC is an established GP training practice, and the training leads are supporting NCGPA to develop training across our other sites.
Our vacancies are for a variety of sessions per week across our practice sites. Our practices work to Safe practice guidelines and have undertaken the GP Improvement Programme to look at ways to improve processes and effective systems within our practices.
Nottingham City has regular Protected Learning Time events 10 times per year on a Tuesday afternoon, alternating between in-house learning activities and external teaching topics.
Our GP sessions are 4 hours and 15 minutes, timetabled to provide 15-minute appointments, protected clinical administration time, and, where required, additional protected time for activities such as ARRS/AHP staff debriefing and other clinical meetings. All practices hold clinical team meetings and ad hoc peer support catch-ups for staff development.
Successful candidates will manage a caseload, including duty doctor responsibilities and deal with a wide range of health needs in a primary care setting, ensuring the highest standards of care for all. They will be an integral part of Nottingham City General Practice Alliance (NCGPA), which will provide opportunities for skills development and career progression, such as developing special interests in clinical, educational, training, or research areas.
Candidates will also have the opportunity to develop clinical and managerial lead areas within the practices, such as safeguarding and clinical governance.
Part of the NCGPA’s new strategy is to develop teaching and training opportunities in all its practices. NCGPA is a GP Federation of 37 member practices in Nottingham City, which started in April 2016 and provides services for patients across the city. Our vision is to:
1. Provide high-quality care and health outcomes for all.
2. Address deprivation and acknowledge diversity and health inequalities in the city.
3. Develop an effective and sustainable workforce now and into the future.
An expanding area of our activity is direct practice contract provision. All 4 practices are active members of their respective PCNs and are keen to develop teaching, training, and research interests. As part of the NCGPA family, we are committed to providing mentorship and support for GPs at all stages of their career.
NCGPA has developed strong links across the City Place Based Partnership (PBP), working closely with Community and Secondary City Health Provider colleagues, Public Health, local government, and the voluntary care sector. Addressing the health inequalities present across the city is a key strategic objective of ours.
Each of our sites has GP and management leads to support the team, and they, in turn, are supported by the NCGPA Medical Director and Head of Practice. NCGPA has a robust clinical and operational governance process to support quality and safety across the organisation.
NCGPA is developing a new model of collaboration across our sites to standardise systems and share and expand back-office functions. Our ambition is to create a new model of resilient care for the city, preserving and improving primary care services for the citizens of Nottingham.
At Nottingham City GP Alliance, we strive to create an inclusive and collaborative environment where employees are empowered to make a difference. As a trusted provider of primary care services, we are committed to improving the health outcomes and experiences of our patients. By joining our workforce, you will have the opportunity to work alongside dedicated professionals, utilising your skills and expertise to positively impact the lives of individuals and families in our community.
Please see the attached job description for more information regarding this role as well as role requirements.