To develop and run a therapeutic activity programme in order to increase patient participation in goal directed activities on a specialist neurological rehabilitation unit. To maximise opportunities for patients to be active and to enhance quality of life for patients, whilst on the unit, by facilitating group activities, coordinating volunteer workers and organising leisure events. The post holder will work as a member of the multi-disciplinary team; liaising closely with nursing and therapy staff to design person centred activities contributing positively to the emotional and psychological wellbeing of patients. Key Working Relationships Nursing, dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, volunteer services. Main Duties and Responsibilities To communicate with patients and staff in a way that respects their views, autonomy, culture and diversity Use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication skills to communicate sensitively and empathetically with patients/ carers; including those who may have cognitive and/ or communication impairments and those whose first language is not English To be able to use a range of communication tools to meet individual needs, such as the interpretation service, Makaton, communication books To communicate effectively and work collaboratively with medical, nursing and therapy colleagues to ensure relevant information regarding patients status is reported back Escalate any concerns arising within the daily routine to senior therapy team To deal sensitively, safely, effectively and professionally with challenging situations for example, high anxiety levels, violence and aggression from patients To use communication strategies to persuade, motivate and engage patients to enable them to participate in therapeutic activities To ensure written and oral communication is clear and effective To provide instruction to patients in a group setting i.e. Exercise classes To attend patient-related multi-disciplinary meetings as directed by senior staff To gain valid informed consent and have the ability to work, with the guidance of therapists, within a legal framework with patients who lack capacity to consent to treatment To conform to trust values and behaviours and promote them in others Participate in gaining feedback from patients, friends and family, using the friends and family test.