CLINICAL To provide individual and group therapy for paediatric physiotherapy needs, by diagnosing, deciding upon management, designing and implementing clinical care packages. Clients will include those with dual diagnosis, neurological conditions, musculoskeletal complaints, autistic spectrum disorder, profound and multiple learning difficulties and challenging behaviour. To use highly specialist listening, physical, and observational skills to diagnose and manage cases in evidence-based and quality performance, risk framework. To sensitively provide and receive information about clients from the client, carer and other professionals and to manage difficult or contentious information appropriately. To work in an empathic manner in partnership with clients, carers and families, where there are barriers to understanding and differences in the way the client communicates e.g. sign language. To alter approaches to a relevant level for the client to be as actively involved in his or her own care as possible. To arrange appointments, attend reviews/case conferences and liaise with carers, families and other professionals regarding patient care. To design and evaluate specific Physiotherapy projects. To maintain a high standard of documentation across all aspects of the service, including the patients case notes, administrative and statistical procedures and all related written communications. MANAGERIAL To supervise the work of less experienced physiotherapists, assistants and students on placement. To facilitate the development of the teams skills and knowledge to meet the service needs. To provide clinical education for students from a variety of professions, who are observing Physiotherapy practice. Lead, participate and contribute to issues, within monthly clinical supervision, relating to clients, own skills and development needs. To manage own caseload, prioritising the waiting list, and delegating cases to the other qualified physiotherapists and assistants. EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT To identify the training needs of carers in relation to clients Physiotherapy needs and design training to meet this need. To plan the content and delivery of training programmes as required. To provide specialist training about learning disabilities and physiotherapy to families, care staff and professionals. To share experience and expertise about Physiotherapy issues with other colleagues, carers and service users. To recommend and work towards achieving Personal Development Plan objectives to met the service need and development. You will discuss individual job development with your Manager at the Personal Plan Development meetings each year. To undertake identified development of work related skills. To attend relevant courses, meetings and Specific Interest Groups related to Paediatric Therapies physiotherapy and to keep own regular record of C.P.D. To participate in training that is critical to the Trust, as identified by the Learning Foundation and the Physiotherapy professional body. To work following Trust Policies. You will work at having good working relationships with the public and team. To maintain accurate patient records and statistical information. RESEARCH AND AUDIT To carry out physiotherapy research and audit as required to evaluate the service provision and develop the service against team, trust and national objectives.