Key responsibilities of the role include to: Provide specialist psychological assessments of service users of the locality service. This is to be based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex psychological data from a variety of quantitative and qualitative sources including psychological and neuropsychological tests, self-report measures, rating scales, direct and indirect structured observations and assessments with service users and others involved in their care. This can include the interpretation and explanation of the results of cognitive and neuropsychological tests in the context of the service users circumstances and current difficulties and the communication of these findings to those involved in the network of care and in care planning. Be responsible for the formulation and implementation of a broad range of specialist psychological treatment and/or management of service users mental health problems, based upon an appropriate conceptual framework of those problems derived from a broad theoretical knowledge of psychology, and employing methods based upon evidence of proven efficacy, across the full range of care settings. Be responsible for implementing a range of specialist psychological interventions for individual service users, carers and groups, employed singly and in combination, adjusting and refining psychological formulations as practice and experience demand, and drawing upon different explanatory models to maintain a number of provisional hypotheses. Evaluate and make decisions about treatment options taking into account both theoretical and therapeutic models and highly complex factors concerning historical, development and cultural processes and systems which have shaped the individual, family or group. Be responsible for providing and receiving highly complex, sensitive, distressing and emotional information in relation to mental and physical health issues, where there are often difficulties in terms of acceptance or understanding. Communicate across language and cultural barriers, including working for sustained periods of time by communicating with service users, carers or groups through professional interpreters or advocates Spend sustained amounts of time with individuals who may be aggressive and hostile to themselves or others, who may have poor communication and/or self-care skills and special physical and/or mental health needs. Be responsible for recording, monitoring and reporting on clinical work and communicating, in a skilled and sensitive manner, complex clinical information (including assessment, formulation, treatment plans and progress) to a variety of recipients (e.g. service users, carers, other professionals, formal panels, statutory and voluntary organisations) orally, in writing and electronically. Undertake risk assessment and risk management for individual service users as appropriate.