Ensure there is compliance with all regulatory provisions regarding fire safety in all Trust owned or operated properties. Schedule and conduct a program of fire risk assessments in all Trust occupied or owned premises, working to the standards in Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs), Building Regulations, British Standards and other relevant documentation, to ensure the Trust and its buildings comply with current fire legislation. Undertaking overarching fire risk assessments in complex hospital buildings, to ensure efficacy of shared arrangements, horizontal evacuation and compartmentation, taking in to consideration the profile of occupants. Ensure all wards, departments and units have local plans in place detailing the actions to be taken in case of fire. Ensure these are reviewed regularly and their contents understood by staff. Schedule and conduct a comprehensive program of fire drills across all Trust occupied premises, including where necessary outside of core hours to ensure all staff are prepared. Be the Trusts lead expert for fire safety providing expert professional advice to the Trust board and senior management on all current fire safety legislation and RRO. Maintain suitable clear structured records of all risk assessments, evacuation plans, fire drills and training are kept and accessible; this includes analysis of same when required. Chair the Trust's Fire Safety Committee, and prepare agendas and papers. Compile end of month and annual fire safety statistics, analyse and produce reports to inform Head of Safety & Compliance, and the Health & Safety Committee. Investigate all incidents of fires and fire alarm actuations. Monitor and Analyse trends and patterns to assist the Trust in learning from fire related incidents. To maintain an up-to-date resource base of legislation, codes of practice and other relevant literature. To make the resource readily available to other Estates and Facilities staff. To lead, provide expert specialist and professional fire information service for all capital projects, provide advice to other clients/partners, directors and senior management of the Trust. Formulate and deliver a suitable program of fire safety training to a workforce of approximately 4500 staff. Methods to include e-learning, remote training using Microsoft Teams, and face to face training methods as appropriate; include specialist methods where appropriate such as the use of a fire training simulator used in conjunction with fire extinguisher training, and the use of Evac-Chair and other associated evacuation equipment. Review with the Head of Safety and Compliance the Trust fire related policies and procedures, updating where appropriate, and communicating to Trust employees. Advising and liaising with staff and management at all levels regarding fire safety matters. Plan, organise, conduct and report on emergency planning exercises of all types, with an emphasis on fire scenarios, but potentially also covering other emergency planning risk and threat areas. This includes regular communications test exercises, through to live-play exercises with inter-agency involvement i.e. emergency services, other Trusts, Local Health Resilience Forums, Borough Resilience Forums, and other Category 1 & 2 Responders.