You would be joining a cross-county team of 17 cardiologists providing a comprehensive Cardiology service to the County of Worcestershire with a local population of 550,000 and increasing tertiary level services such as PCI for Herefordshire, across our STP with a population of around 800,000. Outpatient clinics supported by cardiology diagnostics are offered at the Trusts 3 main sites (Worcester, Redditch and Kidderminster), with Cardiology clinics also provided in community settings in Evesham, Droitwich, Bromsgrove and Malvern. In-patient services are provided in Worcester and Redditch. Complex echo is based at Worcester, cardiac MRI and Cardiac CT is provided for in and out patients on all 3 main sites. The cardiac catheter laboratories and pacing facilities are located in Worcester. The Cardiology Directorate is committed to continually improving services and has expanded considerably in recent years with continued development momentum. Our percutaneous coronary intervention service started in 2008 and treats over 1000 patients and 350 STEMI patients per year. The pacing service started in 2002 and currently implants 250 new devices/year for bradycardia management, in addition to box changes and loop recorders. A complex device service was started in 2013, with more than 200 complex device implants annually. A local invasive EP service at Worcester was started in February 2017, supported by the longstanding links with UHCW. Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust undertakes multimodality cardiovascular imaging in advanced echocardiography (Transoesophageal and Stress) (GE 6 x E95, 1 X E90, 2 X S70N, 2 X VividI), Cardiac MRI (Siemans Avanto 1.5 T, Philips Ingenia 1.5T) and Cardiac CT (Canon Aquilion Prime 160, Canon Aquillion One Prism Edition). Our centre performs approximately 150 TOEs, 270 Stress Echos, 500 Cardiac MRIs and 670 Cardiac CTs per year with numbers expected to increase. Cardiac imaging is performed both for inpatients and outpatients for a variety of indications, providing a wide variety clinical imaging exposure. Cardiac CT is provided on all three sites and cardiac MRI at Worcester Royal Hospital and Alexandra Hospital. Inpatient cardiac imaging services at the Worcester Royal Hospital and Alexandra Hospital. Imaging cardiologists are central to working of the heart team and provide essential support and advice to other cardiologists, physicians and healthcare professionals. The post-holder would be expected to provide similar support to their colleagues. The Trust works closely with 3 surgical centres, and the post holder will also prepare cases for and support regular multi-disciplinary meetings. Further opportunities can be available for cardiac imaging experience. The department is actively involved in interventional cardiology trials run by three Cardiology Research Nurses, employed with funding from the CLRN, Oxford Research Group and local funding. The post holder will be expected to support the recruitment to current trials and have an interest in undertaking research. The typical candidate should be post CCT from an accredited cardiology training program. Applications will be considered from those near completion. The successful applicant will hold full MRCP, with a minimum of five years cardiology experience. The candidate would also be expected to be able to perform transthoracic echocardiography independently and ideally should be British Society Echocardiography accredited or equivalence. The role would support a senior fellow / resident doctor to build independence in their practice with support as required. The successful candidate would undertake general cardiology duties in the form of a general cardiology clinic (Kidderminster or Worcester), support Worcester Heart Centre (ambulatory Cardiology Unit) and support the weekend on-call in general cardiology. Support will be given to attend regional and national meetings of interest to a cardiovascular imaging fellow. The cardiology service is supported by strong teams of physiologists, CCU and cardiology ward nurses, cardiac assessment nurses and cardiac rehabilitation nurses, and by a county-wide nurse-led rapid-access chest pain clinic. A team of community and hospital-based heart failure nurse specialists provide an excellent clinical service and maintain close liaison with the hospital cardiology team.