We are inviting applications for the position of post-CCT Senior Fellow in advanced luminal endoscopy at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. This post is designed to provide training opportunity in submucosal endoscopy (ESD +/- POEM). Proficiency in advanced diagnostic endoscopy, lesion recognition, EMR and haemostasis is essential. Although prior submucosal work on ex-vivo models is desirable, a week of training in wet lab can be arranged locally at request. Training in ESD/submucosal endoscopy and other advanced endoscopic techniques will be delivered in ~4 dedicated lists per week. This post will be supervised by Dr Noor Mohammed. The post holder is expected to run his/her own EMR lists and contribute towards dedicated clinics and local/regional MDT meetings. This post is available from September 2025 for a period of 12 months initially. This post will be offered for a fixed term and is not accredited for training.
Further training in other aspects of luminal therapeutics if desired can be arranged under supervision of Drs Rembacken and Sood.
There is GIM ward commitment 1:7 weeks which will be paid on a consultant scale. Hence it is essential that the candidate has CCT in GIM. There will be opportunity to contribute to the on-call Gastroenterology registrar rota if desired.
Candidates must be fully registered with the General Medical Council and hold a licence to practice at the time of application.
Main duties of the job
The post holder will contribute to 1 clinic (Complex luminal clinic) and 1 endoscopy list (service list- EMRs/pre-ESD work up) per week. The remaining sessions will include at least 4 dedicated submucosal endoscopy lists a week, and a research session. Attendance at the complex polyp MDT, regional UGI cancer MDTs and time to undertake research work is expected. Training can be tailored to the candidates career plans and experience i.e. training in ESD only or both ESD and POEM. The fellow will participate in vetting and assessing patients referred for ESD/POEM and other advanced endoscopic procedures (to include ward reviews before and after procedures). In addition, there will be a requirement to provide inpatient ward cover for G(I)M. These duties will involve daily morning ward round duties for 7 consecutive days in a 1:7 rotational basis. During these weeks, afternoons will remain free for subspecialty training. There will be no additional out of hours on call commitment, and these duties will attract an uplift in salary to equivalent consultant rates of pay.
The post is offered for a fixed term of one year and extendable to two providing satisfactory progress in first year. The post supervisor will assess achievement of the following objectives mid-way and at the end of the post.
Learning outcomes at the end of the fellowship
1. Competent and fully independent in assessment of polyps for ESD.
2. Competent in interpreting UGI physiology.
3. Competent and independent in all aspects of basic steps in ESD.
4. Competent in resecting rectal and gastric lesions ~2cms by 6th month.
5. Competent in resecting lesions ~2cms in right colon/Oesophagus and lesion > 2cms in left colon by 12th month.
6. Competent in all complexities of ESDs in upper and lower GI tract.
7. Competence in techniques of closing mucosal flap with TTS/OTS clips and endoscopic suturing.
8. Experience of working as a Consultant in G(I)M.
Person Specification
Personal Skills
* Communication Skills: Demonstrates clarity in written/spoken communication & capacity to adapt language as appropriate to the situation.
* Able to build rapport, listen, persuade & negotiate.
* Problem Solving & Decision Making: Capacity to use logical/lateral thinking to solve problems/make decisions, indicating an analytical/scientific approach.
* Empathy & Sensitivity: Capacity to take in others perspectives and treat others with understanding sees patients as people. Demonstrates respect for all.
* Managing Others & Team Involvement: Able to work in multi-professional teams & supervise junior medical staff. Ability to show leadership, make decisions, organise and motivate other team members for the benefit of patients through, for example, audit and quality improvement Projects. Capacity to work effectively with others.
* Organisation & Planning: Capacity to manage/prioritise time and information effectively. Capacity to prioritise own workload & organise ward rounds. Evidence of thoroughness (is well prepared, shows self discipline/ commitment, is punctual and meets deadlines).
* Vigilance & Situational Awareness: Capacity to monitor developing situations and anticipate issues.
* Coping with Pressure and managing uncertainty: Capacity to operate under pressure. Demonstrates initiative & resilience to cope with changing circumstances. Is able to deliver good clinical care in the face of uncertainty.
* Values: Understands, respects and demonstrates the values of the NHS Constitution.
* Ability to show leadership, make decisions, organise and motivate other team members for the benefit of patients through, for example, audit and quality improvement projects.
* JAG accreditation (or equivalent) in upper and lower endoscopy and independence at therapeutic gastroscopy for haemostasis.
* Current ALS certification or equivalent.
* Evidence of competence in management of common gastrointestinal conditions and emergencies.
* Evidence of competence to work without direct supervision.
* Awareness of GMCs Good Research Practice guidance (General Medical Council, 2010).
* Eligible for full registration with the GMC at time of application and hold a current licence to practice.
* Eligibility to work in the UK.
* CCT in Gastroenterology and GIM.
* Evidence of achievement of CT1& 2 competencies in medicine (as defined by the curricula relating to Core Medical training).
* Evidence of completion/ near completion of higher specialty (ST3 and above) competencies.
* Evidence that the candidate has participated in at least 50 EMRs/polypectomies and possession of haemostatic skills.
* Capacity to use logical/lateral thinking to solve problems/make decisions, indicating an analytical/scientific approach.
* Able to work in multi-professional teams & supervise junior medical staff.
* Capacity to manage/prioritise time and information effectively.
* Evidence of thoroughness (is well prepared, shows self discipline/ commitment, is punctual and meets deadlines).
* Capacity to operate under pressure.
* Demonstrates initiative & resilience to cope with changing circumstances.
* Unsupervised EMRs/Polypectomies.
* Submucosal work on animal models.
* Ability to show leadership, make decisions, organise and motivate other team members for the benefit of patients through, for example, audit and quality improvement projects.
Any attachments will be accessible after you click to apply.