Clinical Research Fellow
Job Purpose
This is a 1-year post to facilitate clinical research experience and training to support several academic and industry funded research projects in Rheumatic diseases, under the supervision of Dr Aurelie Najm in the University of Glasgow. The focus of the research will relate to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease. To explore the molecular signatures underpinning RA and PsA, this post will require identification of suitable patients for multiple synovial biopsy based studies including clinical trials, as well as withdrawal and analysis of synovial and skin tissue biopsies.
As a Clinical Research Fellow (CRF) this post will allow the development of research skills and production of data leading to the submission of an MD or PhD degree. Although research will form the major component of this post, participation in associated clinical duties and teaching will be incorporated into the job plan.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
1. Plan, design and implement projects or parts of projects, in conjunction with collaborators and grant holders as appropriate in order to secure further funding to continue research that leads to a Higher Degree. These include (i) screen for patients suitable for inclusion in biopsy based studies and clinical trials, (ii) consent patients tissue biopsy procedures and (iii) perform ultrasound guided synovial biopsies and skin biopsies.
2. Write and submit applications for Ethics and Research Management approval, as appropriate and in conjunction with PIs.
3. Manage data handling and interpretation of research results and take the lead in writing papers for publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals.
4. Prepare research report and submit at least one manuscript of material for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
5. Collaborate with colleagues and participate in team meetings/discussions and departmental research group activities.
6. Present work at internal and external seminars and national/international conferences as appropriate to enhance the profile of the research group.
7. Contribute to the organisation of project-related workshops, seminars or conferences.
8. Undertake clinical work under an NHS honorary contract as detailed below.
9. Keep up to date with recent literature and advances in the field.
10. Deliver teaching materials and supervise undergraduate/postgraduate student projects and contribute to the academic progress of students.
11. Contribute to the enhancement of the University’s international profile in line with the University’s Strategic Plan - World Changers Together.
Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills and Experience
* A1. Primary medical qualification, e.g. MBChB or equivalent.
* A2. Registered with General Medical Council (GMC) and licensed to practice.
* B1. BSc or equivalent intercalated degree.
* B2. Evidence of distinction in career to date e.g. prizes, awards, bursaries.
* C1. Strong interpersonal skills, ability to get on well with colleagues.
* C2. Self-motivation and the ability to work as part of a team and independently.
* C3. Good organisational and IT skills.
* C4. Ability to manage project(s).
* C5. Ability to work towards Institute objectives.
* C6. Approachable manner.
* C7. Capacity for originality and innovation.
* C8. Excellent communication skills, both oral and written.
* E1. Interest in research.
* E2. Demonstrable clinical experience in medicine or related specialities.
* E3. Interest in Rheumatology and immunology.
* E4. Training and experience in musculoskeletal ultrasound.
* E5. Experience in ultrasound guided procedures and synovial biopsies.
* F1. Experience in undergraduate teaching or postgraduate teaching.
Job Features
The Post - General Information
Clinical Research Fellowships offer medical graduates the opportunity for training in a range of research methodologies relevant to modern biomedical research in Medicine and related specialities. Most Clinical Fellows will undertake research training to consolidate career prospects, by participating in relevant research, which will usually form part of a further qualification or Higher degree (MD, PhD). The post should make individuals competitive for future NHS teaching hospital appointment or Academic Lecturer/Clinician Scientist awards.
Research Training
All Clinical Research Fellows will have a mentor assigned at the time of appointment. The mentor will usually become the supervisor for any matriculated Higher degree. Clinical Research Fellows are encouraged to attend workshops and training in generic transferable skills organised by the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences Graduate School. Full details of the programme are available at Regular attendance and contributions to research meetings of their group is expected.
Clinical Work
An appropriate honorary grading will be sought from the relevant NHS Service. Clinical activities may be limited to those required for research training such as recruitment to trials and conduct of clinical research. However, limited additional clinical experience will usually be available subject to the agreement of the supervisor and NHS Services Clinical Director, with in-patient and out-patient experience in Medicine and relevant Specialties. Where any clinical activities of a Service nature extend beyond the usual working week, confirmation in advance of any such responsibilities and agreement on additional payments must be obtained from appropriate NHS Services management. The individual will have a contract with the NHS Services via the appropriate directorate/division, which will specify the agreed amount of clinical work and the level of remuneration. Since the funding for this post does not include an element for clinical training or NHS service work, any such clinical work must be arranged to avoid impacting substantially on research time.
Funding Sources
The post will be funded as part of a Grants funded by the Medical Research Council and Industry. It will be awarded on the basis of individual career achievement to date and the likelihood of the fellow contributing to an effective, existing research team. As noted above, there may be opportunities for additional salary supplements providing NHS cover in Medicine and related specialties (by negotiation with local NHS management and subject to prioritisation of research). In relation to such supplements, the University will act as Paymaster only.
Research Training Base
The Clinical Research Fellow will be based in the Research Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation within the University of Glasgow.
There will be no regular commitment to teaching but research fellows are encouraged to contribute to both problem-based learning and clinical teaching sessions for undergraduate medical students when research commitments allow.
Assessment of Progress
* All those matriculated for Higher Degrees will be subject to the Postgraduate School of the College for progress monitoring. This is completed according to the regulations set down in the University Calendar.
* Written progress reports on projects on a monthly basis.
* Research in Progress presentations, at least annually, to the Institute.
* Reports/manuscripts of results of clinical trials undertaken, as appropriate.
* General assessment during clinical work and meetings.
* Annual interview by independent assessors.
Terms & Conditions
Salary will be on the Clinical Research Fellow scale £48,288 - £71,550 per annum. This post is full time, fixed term for 1 year.
Although this activity constitutes part of the job, the management of the clinical activity will be the full responsibility of the NHS Organisation. In the unlikely event that the NHS Organisation withdraws the honorary contract, the University will not be able to continue this post and notice of termination will be served.
Disclosure Scotland
The post for which you are applying is considered to be a child care position in terms of The Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003. It requires the successful applicant to undergo a satisfactory Disclosure check through Disclosure Scotland prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Glasgow fulfils its legal duties under the Act. If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure Report. The University will make a Disclosure application to Disclosure Scotland, which will reveal any past criminal convictions (spent or unspent) or inclusion on the Disqualified from Working with Children List. Any non-conviction information held locally by the police may also be disclosed should this be considered relevant to the position.
Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified from Working with Children List.
Closing Date: 19 March 2025 at 23:45