Coastal Modeller – National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in coastal and estuarine modelling to join the Coastal Ocean Processes team at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool. This post is offered as part of the project “Physical and biological dynamic coastal processes and their role in coastal recovery (BLUE-coast)”, which is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and led by Prof. Alex Souza (NOC). The prime aim of this project is to reduce uncertainties characterizing the prediction of medium-term (years) and long-term (decadal and longer) regional sediment budgets, and thereby make a meaningful contribution to the delivery of more effective coastal management strategies. This will be achieved via parallel strands of scientific advances: (i) better understanding and representation of both transportable and source material within the coastal zone (sediment, biological or ecological characteristics); (ii) quantitative assessment of the flux of transported material, including how this flux is mediated by the ecological system that exists along and within the coastal zone; and (iii) the assessment of sensitivities of this mixed-sediment physical and biological system to possible changes in external forcing in parallel with assessments of behavioural uncertainties.
You will primarily work with Dr Laurent Amoudry and Dr Jenny Brown. Your main role will be to implement a coastal ocean modelling system (provisionally FVCOM) as (i) a regional-scale hydrodynamic model capable of modelling waves, tides, currents and sediment fluxes at the nearshore-shelf boundary and (ii) a tool to assess the morphological response of estuaries to natural and anthropogenic perturbations. You will disseminate the results of the research in leading peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, and other appropriate events. You will also collaborate with the project’s external partners in order to facilitate cross-integration within the project.
About you:
We seek highly-motivated individuals who will be able to complement the existing expertise at the NOC. You will have a significant background in coastal and estuarine modelling and you will have previous expertise in using a coastal ocean modelling system (e.g., ROMS, DELFT3D, FVCOM). You will be computationally literate, with knowledge of some programming language and scientific software. You will hold a Math/Physics/Science degree and have been (or are about to be) awarded a PhD in a relevant discipline. In addition, a background in coastal sediment transport and/or coastal and estuarine biogeomorphology, a background in the use of unstructured grids for modelling, and specific expertise in scientific code development will be preferred.
What we can offer you:
In return for your talents, we offer a competitive remuneration package, including a RCUK pension scheme, 30 days annual leave with a further 10.5 Public/privilege days. Opportunities for further training and development are supported. The role will include periods of travel both within the UK and internationally.
About us:
The Marine Physics and Ocean Climate research group studies fundamental physical processes in the marine environment and their connection with, and influence on, the rest of the Earth system. Our research spans microscopic to global scales, extends from the coast to the abyssal ocean, and includes boundary layer interactions with both the atmosphere and the sea bed. Within this group, the Coastal Ocean Processes team studies the processes and fundamental interactions operating on the continental shelf, from the coast up to and including the shelf break. Our work is the foundation for comprehensive models of the physics, chemistry and biology of shelf seas, which are used to predict the impacts of climate change and to help policy-makers meet directives on good environmental status. We combine field observations and numerical models to improve our knowledge of sediment transport processes so that we can better predict estuarine ecosystems and the morphology of coastal zones over several decades. We also study the exchange of nutrients and carbon at the shelf break, and the potential impacts of marine renewable energy installations.
Contract Type: This is a Fixed Term Appointment for 4-years offered on NERC Terms and Conditions
Hours: Full Time
Closing Date: 31st May 2016
Interview Date: It is proposed that the interviews will take place the week beginning 20 June 2016